Fine swine, wish he was mine
Zucherman’s famous piiiig
Fine swine, wish he was mine
Zucherman’s famous piiiig
Fine swine, wish he was mine
Zucherman’s famous piiiig
Repeat… repeat… repeat…
The upside is, I’m sharing it with my boyfriend, so it’s stuck in his head now too! Mwahahaha!
a sure-fire cure for tunestukinyerhed syndrome:
Think of a worse tune…
“Coconut” by Harry Nilsson usually does it for me;
He put the lime in the coconut he drank it all up
He put the lime in the coconut he drank it all up
He put the lime in the coconut he drank it all up
He put the lime in the coconut he called his doctor woke him up said
DOC-tor… is there something I can take he said
DOOC-tor… to releive this bellyache he said
DOC-tor… is there something I can take he said
DOOC-tor… to releive this bellyache nowlemmegetdisstraight
You put the lime in the coconut you drank it all up
You put the lime in the coconut you drank it all up
You put the lime in the coconut you drank–”
Well, nothing right now, but that’s only because I’m actually playing a CD. (Ben Lee, Breathing Tornadoes, since you asked.)
But last night, I was down at the local for the weekly pub trivia quiz and I could not get Band on the Run out of my head. Over and over and over. I don’t know where it came from but it wouldn’t go away. I even started singing it, much to the horror of those around me.
So we get to the music round of the quiz. You know, they play a snippet of a song, and you have to identify the artist and title. Well strike me down with a feather if they didn’t play a few bars of Band on the Run. I was flabbergasted. (I’m easily impressed, by the way.) But we got two points. Yay!
[sub]Okay, so in the cold harsh light of day it’s a little less impressive, but it seemed really freaky at the time.[/sub]
[sup]Don’t get me started…[/sup] Darqangelle
It took me 6 months of intensive therapy to remove that song from my brain… and now 10 seconds for you to put it back there.
I keep seeing this one commercial for a cruise line (I think). The song they play endlessly throughout the commercial is the opening strains to “Love is in the air…”
Since I usually am doing something else with the TV on - using it as background noise - all my brain picks up is the “Love is in the air…” part. Ack! Make it go away.
I have music playing with remarkable sound quality in my head most of the time. Usually I’ll be stuck with one predominant piece for days, to be replaced by another. Currently, my brain is being invaded by “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone, which is great. I like it. It’s very cool when it’s something you like. Not cool when it’s something you hate, like last week when it was Diana Ross singing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
When I used to work in a factory, I’d get really bored and play an album in my head from beginning to end, like I was listening to a Walkman. It’s like the brain stores it in it’s own MP3-like format and can play it back whenever. I’ve always found it to be a fascinating phenomenon. What weird capacities human brains have.
All you have to do is think of this wunnerful song…
“Oh, I’d rather have a bottle in front of me,
Than to have a frontal lobotomy…”
Repeat as needed.
This should make any unwanted song vanish instantly. If you are still having trouble after singing the refrain at least one dozen times at the top of your lungs, try this timeless Phil Collins classic:
ohh oh!
This one’s a guaranteed synapses burner. Actually, anything from Phil Collins will purge the unwanted tv jingle, christmas carol, etc. right out.
“If you told me you were drowning,
I would not lend a hand.”
There is one song that is guaranteed (or your money back?) to kill any song in your head. Of course if this one gets stuck you’re likely to pick up the nearest firearm and start shootng.
Are you ready…
It’s a small world after all
It’s a small world after all
It’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all
It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears
It’s a world of hopes and a world of fears
There’s so much that we share that it’s time we’re aware
That it’s a small world after all
Funny you should start a thread like this. Just last night BunnyPapa and I were reminiscing about the old days of HBO and I started singing the old ‘Gary Shandling’ theme to him.
Now it won’t go away.
The worst part is, I can’t remember all the words, so I’ve got:
“This is the Gary Shandling Show, this is the Gary Shandling Show, Gary called and asked if I would like to write his theme song…”
going round and round in my head.
::: walks off humming ‘She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah…’ :::
"This is the theme to Gary’s show, the opening theme to Gary’s show, this is the music that you hear when you watch the credits. It’s almost halfway finished, how do you like it so far, this is the theme to Gary Shandling’s show!
This is the theme to Gary’s show, the opening theme to Gary’s show, Gary called me up and asked if I would write his theme song, we’re almost to the part where I start to whistle, then we’ll watch It’s Gary Shandling’s Show.
I hope you enjoy It’s Gary Shandling’s Show."
(with help from my brother, who was not at all phased by my calling him about this!)
For the past 2 weeks I have had Santeria by Sublime in my head, I’d find myself singing it in the grocery store, walking down the street, everywhere. I love how it sounds, but it gets really annoying eventually. Then last night a friend of mine put a Supremes album on, and since then it’s been “Looooovvvvveee is here…and oh my god and yoooouuuu are gone…” Definitly worse. But the worst song I’ve had stuck in my head was “so whatcha want,” and all i knew was that line…
I’m glad I read this thread because now at least I have finally managed to banish “Rocketman” by Elton John out of my head. I heard the song on the radio at about 5 p.m. yesterday and it stayed in my head all night, I even dreamed about the song.
Of course, now I have “It’s a Small World” in my head, thank you very much. I’m just going to be over there, banging my head into the wall repeatedly…