Song Survey: The Wheels on the Bus

Just for clarity sake I asked my girlfriend and roommate this question. We all came up with different answers. I don’t think they are any correct lines it’s just there are different versions people!

Final score is as follows:

Geographical Lyrics:
all around town - 4 votes
all through the town - 7 votes
all over town - 1 vote
all around (insert town’s name) - 1 vote
all the way to school -1 vote

Chronological Lyrics:
all day long - 4 votes
all the livelong day - 1 vote
early in the morning - 3 votes

Lexicon, in addition to siding with one of the more popular lyrics, was so firm and definitive in his insistence that it was the right answer, even citing independent sources, that I simply have to concur and declare the lyrics to be, here and forevermore, to be as follows:

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All around the town.

Congrats to all of you who are smart and crazy enough to know the right lyrics, and thanks all of you for fighting this one tiny bit of ignorance.

Would that you had that kind of power, lady.

You should just give up and understand that all your nerds agree and eventually we will overpower your will and convert you to our side of the force.

I just wanted to add that my sister (a bit of a social realist) would sing :

“The driver on the bus goes puff puff puff, puff puff puff, puff puff puff.
The driver on the bus goes puff puff puff, because he’s social class 5.”

To her 2 yr old daughter. I now have a 2 yr old of my own, but I’ll be strong.

I have no idea. My wife says

“All through the town.”
