Songs That Make You Wanna Jam!!!!!!

Wow some of these songs i remember and some i dont (wont say which as it’ll reveal my age :wink: ) but suffice to say they are great songs.

A song that im enjoying at the moment is 15 minuites by the yeah yous Dont know how many people will agree with me but I think its good

Talk to Ya Later by The Tubes. From the opening guitar lick to the screamin’ guitar solo close out. Ooooh, baby.

“Amaranth” by Nightwish
“Any Means Necessary” by Hammerfall
Born of Fire by Slayer
Ready to roll by Flashlight BrownThe Prophecy by Dream Evil

Xan: Is your user name from Unreal Tournament? If not, where pray tell did you get it from?

Hammerfall reminded me of Rammstein, which is not a bad thing. :wink:

Du Hast -Rammstein
Du Riechst So Gut -Rammstein

NOTE: Please no one translate or hint at what the above two songs are saying in English. My ignorance is bliss. Thank you.

I got from minor character(s) in the Iliad

Well shit. Looks like I’ve done quite a splendid job of making myself look like an unread git, thinking your name came from a video game instead of a timeless piece of literature.
