After hearing Chic’s Freak Out and Wang Chung Everybody Have Fun Tonight played back-to-back in a restaurant, I strated wondering about other songs where the performing band mentions its name. The only other one I can think of at the moment is Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath.
I’d mention This Is Serious Mum’s “Jung Talent Time”, which is basically just a long list of names like Yes, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Rob Lowe, Kenny G with their own inserted in there. But the kicker is the final refrain,
Not so much referencing the band name as quoting an idiot.
On a related note, in The Wall it’s directly implied that the central character performs under the stage name Pink Floyd - he’s definitely known as Pink.
No kidding. Some friends and I made up a drinking game watching some MTV rap-a-thon where if the singer mentions his name, take a drink, grabs his crotch, take a drink. When he mentions his name AND grabs his crotch at the same time, drink the whole beer…
“Ziggy Stardust” by David Bowie, ahem, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars mentions the fictional band, if not the actual band.
“The Look of Love” by ABC (lead singer Martin Fry) features the classic line “Martin, maybe one day you’ll find true love.” Jonathan Richman is also fond of talking to himself in songs.
“Future Generations” by The Auteurs sums up the band’s career, and mentions a number of their albums and songs, although I don’t think it actually mentions the band.
Does “Killer Queen” by Queen count?
And isn’t there a Devo song that goes “Are we not men? We are Devo!”