Songs you do not need to hear again in this lifetime

My Humps


Time Warp

Seasons in the Sun

Oh, and whatever this piece of crap screetch-fest is that Mariah Carey is opening the AMAs with.

Fat Bottom Girls by Queen.

I hear this song every day at work. Apparently this is the only Queen song that the local classic rock station has. Once a day, for the last few months, I have to listen to Fat Bottom Girls.

I take every opportunity I get to bash American Pie, by Don McLean or Madonna (or anyone else, for that matter).

There are a few Elton John songs that I abhor, but none more than Honky Cat. It’s too bad, because as I get older, I appreciate ol’ Reg more.

Nobody mentioned Feelings yet ?

“Barracuda” and “Magic Man” by Heart. They are played probably once each if not more every time I listen for my full 8-hour work shift.

“Rock and Roll” by Zeppelin - Cadillac commercials and constant airplay - I never thought I’d HATE a zeppelin song.


One of Nickelback’s stupid hit songs…I think it was “Someday.” Damn local “mix” station must’ve played the damn thing 20 times a day. At first it didn’t bother me…now I just wish that song was dead.

I don’t listen to the radio anymore.

Right Said Fred-“I’m Too Sexy”
Queen- “We Are The Champions”
Vangelis- um… something about chariots. “Chariots of Fire?”

I came here to mention “Freebird” and “Stairway to Heaven.” In fact, anything by Led Zeppelin that gets regular radio play, especially “What is and Should Never Be,” except “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,” and I guess “Heartbreaker.” Even those could do with a rest.

“More than a Feeling,” Boston.

You know what? Almost anything that gets regular play on classic rock radio. The four Who songs they play, the five Pink Floyd songs… almost all of it is dead tired.

For very different reasons:[ul]
[li]Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You[/li][li]Shocking Blue - Venus[/li][/ul]
The former because I completely dislike her and this syrupy ballad and all of it’s exposure and the latter because I heard this song played by a street band in Paris (on the first day of summer) in 2003 while eating dinner. The band apparently only knew five or six songs and they kept repeating them while I was eating over the period of about 2 hours. As a side note the Parisians sure know how to celebrate though as there were were huge crowds throughout the City and especially along the river well past midnight.

Yikes! 32 posts and Achy Breaky hasn’t been listed? Shame.

Dopers are far too sophisticated and knowledgable to dredge that drivel up from the depths!

I feel shame

::starts digging a hole to crawl into::

That’s the first one that came to my mind, though Copacabana, Muskrat Love, My Humps, are right up there with heard it one time too many (as in heard it at all).
Songs I generally like, but could use a rest from are few and far between because anymore I make my own mixes (and have since sometime back in the 90’s) from the incredibly large list of songs I like off of the something like 2000+ albums/CDs I’ve amassed in my lifetime.

So I don’t tend to get ground down by radio play, I just listen for sounds I like and go get them.

Um…almost all of them? Nearly everything I like is over fifteen years old, which means I’ve had a chance to hear it all plenty of times now. Oddly, I’ve noticed that out of all the stuff I hear on a regular basis, the Kink’s Lola really holds up well to repeated listening. (Now I’ve doomed myself to hear it twenty times in the next three days!) :smack:

'cause Youuuuuuu Light Up My LIIIIIiiiiife. Youu give me hoooooope to carry ooon.

(blaring brass)
Ooh, it’s the shit, it’s my shit
Ooh, it’s the shit, it’s my shit
(blaring brass)
I ain’t no hollaback girl
I ain’t no hollaback girl
(blaring brass)

(repeat ad naseum)

Technically, any Gwen “Madonnabe” Stefani song, but this one is really, really annoying. Especially when some riceboi blasts it at a red light.


I never need to hear My Humps again because it (S)ucks but the real pain for me comes from a song that has been played to death for years and decades.

I was thinking the other day that Tom Petty might be the only artist I can think of that has a wide enough selection of songs (airplay) not to be sick of him. It’s a safe bet that if I hear the first 3 notes of any song by Aerosmith, Stones, Who, Doors, Alice Cooper, Scorpions, …Or any band more than 15 years old I have instant recall of the entire song. I’ve heard a song like Sweet Emotion so many times that it it’s worse than Groundhog Day. I hear every single sound of that song a split second before it comes out of the speakers. Same with No One Like you or a hundred other songs I used to enjoy.