Songs (You May Even Hate, But) Have A Good Memory When Listening To

For me, it is “Wild Thing” by the Trogs.

I was a kid and my family went to Indiana Beach for vacation…that song was played on the jukebox in the covered pinball/fastfood area and you could hear the flute solo all the way out to the beach.

It is not a great song, but maybe it was a good summer vacation, or maybe it was the accustics, but whenever I hear that song…it just makes me smile for the good memories.

Any songs like that for you?

When I was in 10th grade, I was making out with a girl I had a crush on in a hotel room at the Beta Club* convention in Little Rock. “Lady” by Little River Band is what I remember was playing…I never liked that song, but it certainly brings back a fond memory…

On the other end of the emotional spectrum, when I was 15, I got caught stealing cases of coke bottles from behind a grocery store in Gun Barrel City, TX. I was supposed to appear in court a month later…Anyway the song “Baker Street” by Gerry Rafferty was playing on the radio a lot at the time. That wailing sax solo used to tweak the shit out of me, reminding me of the trouble I was in. Anyway, since my court date was after school started back in Arkansas, I was allowed to go see the judge early at his place of work (a BBQ smoker making place!). He dismissed the case, pronouncing the I “seemed like a good boy”…:smiley:

Oops, forgot my * footnote…:smack:
Beta Club is kind of like National Honor Society, except less exclusive…

B-52’s - Love Shack

I really dislike the song, but it reminds me of a time when I was young, dumb, and out to have as much fun as possible. And even though I can’t stand the song, I do have a tendency to sing it whene I do hear it.

I know some on is gonna smack me for this but I REALLY, REALLY REALLY hate that crap of David Bowie’s from the early 80s. “Let’s Dance” and the other one… but ANYWAY! I get good memories out of it: I was young, terribly inexperienced, deeply in love with my best friend, just starting to explore my sexuality and having the time of my life!
*unlike an internet story she didn’t love but we had fun together anyway *

My first sexual encounter was to the song Father Figure by George Michael.

I have very fond memories of that song.