Sons of Anarchy 9/11

Yeah. I was really annoyed at Juice for taking him there! WTF?

I meant when Jax was talking to that scary black boss dude. I can’t remember his name, but Jax told him that he could set Tig on fire later if he let him leave prison now. That’s the part I was wondering if Jax was serious about.

I’m thinking either the hooker Gemma beat, or the hooker’s other brothel keeper. Nero had arrangements, so someone had to have clout to overcome them. With Unser retired, Clay has sweet fuck all for connections in law enforcement. Hell, even within the club.

Unless the Irish Kings are neck deep in the California pussy trade, I don’t think it was Clay or his connections.

And yes, the Sons should just turn Happy loose. On everyone.

I watched the show last night (was playing MoP Tuesday night). I’m still pissed off. Opie was my favorite and to watch him go out like that was…painful.

If you guys are interested, Sutter gives his reasoning here.

In the comments from fans I read that Opie seems to be Ophelia in this version of Hamlet. I’m not that familiar with the original story of Hamlet, so I have to ask, what do you guys think?

Yes. And it is Clay behind the Charming home invasions. Unser suspects this.

I believe it is the recently added Nomad members. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Clay had them join to give him votes if needed in the future.

I don’t watch the show, but there are news reports that a character from SoA died committing a home invasion, or so it seems. Character was Kip “Half Sack” Epps, actor Johnny Lewis.


It was his landlady, and he had just recently been released from jail.

Serious question: what makes you think Clay is behind the home invasions? They weren’t there at his invitation–the entire Nomad Charter dissolved.

Not sure why you spoilered your speculation, especially since the same idea was floated upthread. It seems obvious that the three former Nomads are behind the home invasions–the third cut’s prosthetic leg is featured prominently in both their introduction (up on Phil’s shoulder in the meeting room) and in the home invasion scene at Gemma’s (running past Unser’s head). Add the safe dumping scene to it, and it’s clear.

Observation: I watched ep 3 for the second time last night and noticed that the agency raiding Nero’s brothel was Stockton PD, not the San Joaquin Sheriff. All other law enforcement interaction this season has been with San Joaquin, and Stockton PD has only been mentioned in passing in the first four seasons (if I recall correctly). Is it just the the brothel is in Stockton? Or do other fingers pull that PD’s strings?

Speculation: I’m thinking either or both of the home invasion and brothel raid story lines introduce new major players. It’s too late in the series to perpetuate the “one major criminal antagonist/one major LEO antagonist, resolution by season end” theme of the first few seasons. Sutter has stated that his intention is for seven seasons. I think the interactions and (potential) resolutions get much more complex from here out.

Questions and WAG1: So who ran and who dissolved the Nomad Charter? One of the Original 9? What caused him to dissolve the charter? Is this JT writing stuff? Is this Real IRA stuff? Is it something that happened in Belfast? Was the charter dissolved because the senior members wanted out? Or because they had unfinished business (in Charming, with Clay, in Belfast, with the Kings, etc.)? I think there’s a better than even chance that the Nomad Prez/officers show up as players in the story line, if not in person.

WAG2: This shit’s about to get heavy.
I just settled all my lawsuits! Fuck you Debbie!

Hells Angel, Rusty Coones, to play Nomad charter prez in season 5

Now if I’d just made that prediction before the announcement, I’d look like a fucking genius.

I don’t read any media about the show before hand, but I’ve no way to prove it.

Pleased in my own sphere, still.

Oh, I only posted the link to confirm your suspicion. Not in any way to claim that you’d already read it online. If it looked that way then it wasn’t my intention.

No buzz about Tuesday’s show?

My thoughts: Gemma is going bat-shit insane (or even more bat-shit insane), and seems to be trying her damndest to be the biggest PITA she can be. I guess since she isn’t “Queen” anymore, she’s feeling kind of lost.

I really liked how Jax put her in her place, said something like, “I’m burying my best friend today. Your need to be loved and adored is pretty low on my to-do list.”

At Church, it seemed to me that the cameras lingered a bit on the “new guys,” the Nomad transfers, as Jax was laying out the Club’s woes and the need to play along with Pope until opportunity presents itself to get out from under him or otherwise turn the tables on him. But I didn’t see them give anything away, expression-wise. Maybe that’s a message in and of itself.

And my damned allergies started acting up during Op’s funeral. Damned allergies.

I had no allergies during the funeral. So many shows manipulate the viewer with the sappy music (sappy does not necessarily equal bad) that it now has the opposite effect. Otherwise the season is rocking.

As these seasons begin to pile up, I’m getting angrier and angrier at how the writers are finding new ways to keep Clay around.

When Gemma found out about Opie and said, “what’s happening to us?” I actually yelled at the TV - “CLAY!! CLAY IS HAPPENING TO YOU!!”

Everything SAMCRO is dealing with is ultimately Clay’s doing. Get the deal done with the Irish and kill him off already.

I felt sad, but the music was a tad overdone, yes. I miss Op from season 1. Somewhere along the way his hair started to annoy me.

I’ve always admired Gemma, but this season she just seems batshit. I don’t know how I feel about Tara. She seems so brittle nowadays. I am a bit surprised at her total lack of sympathy for Wendy. Maybe if Wendy stopped slathering on makeup by the bottle, Tara would show more sisterly love.

Tara is insane if she thinks she’d legitimately win a custody battle. She’d only win if the club threatened Wendy and or the Judge.

Yeah. I sometimes have a soft, gooey center where such things are concerned. I pretty much can’t listen to Amazing Grace on pipes w/o getting misty eyed.

Gemma is not taking her loss of status as “Queen” gracefully. If you look at the show as Game of Throne filtered through violent, blue-collar, lower-class outlaw bikers, it makes a lot more sense.

Greg the Peg’s actor is an actual amputee.

:eek: Tell me that wasn’t Walton Goggins having way too much fun.