Sons of Anarchy 9/11

Too cool! End credits verify that was Shane/Boyd with a bodacious titty-suit. All I can figure is that he lost a bet with Sutter or one of those guys. Did you notice how the guys couldn’t keep a straight face? I love those breaks in an otherwise serious show. Must have been srunt week or something.

After last night, I’m convinced that it’s Clay behind the home invasions, using the new guys who voiced their objections at church.

It was Walton’s idea.

Ep 6.

I was wrong, wrong, wrong, mister! about Clay facilitating the home invasions. I was right about it being the nomads from the start. We’ll call it a wash, shall we?

I’m wondering how the nomad prez is going to present.

Otherwise, it was a tremendous mid-season episode. The plot can go any of seven or eight ways, and can be believable whichever is chosen.

I’m thoroughly pleased with the season to date.

And I want it to end with Chibs killing everyone. [/joking]…
[/not really]

Can someone fill me in on the last five minutes? My DVR cut out early! The last scene I got was Gemma sitting at the bar after the old cop told her off.

Reader’s Digest version:

Clay was dropped off at home by Juice. Once Juice left he removed his oxygen tank, went in and knocked the shit out of one of the nomads and yelled that they weren’t supposed to kill the sheriff’s wife.

  • Thank you for the recap.

  • Oh crap! I knew that miserable bastard was behind all this!

The deal went down with the Irish - why doesn’t Jax just off this guy already?!


Ok so … WHY is Clay doing this?

To make Jax look weak.

I wonder how Clay convinced the nomads to help him. I understand they might be more loyal to him than Jax, but beating up innocent people to make the current president look bad seems pretty extreme.

Also why is Juice so far up Clay’s ass this season? I always thought he was more on Jax’s side.

Just watched the last episode on DVR. Really, really impressed with this season so far. It has not had the lag and drag I felt when they went to Ireland in the past season.

Oh my Og!!

I was happy that Jax listened to Nero and decided to go easy on his mom. He even got Tara to go along with it…

Now this.


Oh, Gemma. I’m really curious where they’ll end up with her this season. So far she has lost just about everything that matters to her and we see the self-destructive behavior when she isn’t grounded in “family”. I’m not so sure it really is family that ground her, I think it is power and being able to manipulate people - something she is not doing successfully anymore.

So who were the blacks (using the show’s term, don’t pile on me!) at the end? Happened so quickly that if there was a recognizable face under the mask I missed who it was. Or was it just meant to imply Pope was behind it? Do you think Clay set that up too in order to build up his story that Pope is trying to burn the entire table?

I thought for sure Clay was going to put a bullet in Unser’s head, either at the point of entry or afterwards when they were talking. Very well done scene, so tense!

And Juicey… c’mon man, step up and SPEAK brother! I’ve always liked Juice but I have a feeling he is going down in all of this. Him being an informant earlier and how deep he is getting while helping Clay…

And how exactly does The Soup’s Joel McHale end up with a cameo?!?

Now we know…he promised them a cut of the action once he became club president again…looks like that’s not gonna happen.

Why did Gemma crash? Was she stoned?

Gemma had been smoking weed at Unser’s when Tara called her to watch Abel and Thomas.

Regarding Juice-both Sutter and Rossi have said Juice isn’t necessarily the sharpest tool in the drawer. I think he is pretty easily manipulated and got really lucky last season that his shit didn’t hit the fan.

I have a feeling that all of that is about to come back and bite Juice in the ass. The preview for next week showed Roosevelt talking to Jax and offering up an informant and then it cuts to a scene of a brother on his knees with a gun to the back of his head.

This season is fucking awesome so far. I am scared to death that Abel has died in the car crash. He wasn’t crying or moving, there was a huge tree limb that looked to be on top of him, and then they show the blood dropping (pretty quickly) onto the other part of the wreck. If Abel dies…fuck, I don’t know but it will be extreme.

Never was going to happen. Same sort of thing would have happened to them. Clay don’t share. He kills his close friends regularly. He would kill Jax if he could.

That is the final straw for me. Too manipulative. I won’t watch anymore unless the kid survives mostly unharmed. He’s bleeding enough to be dead in minutes. I almost stopped watching when they kidnapped him. Yeah, evil blows back on innocent kids, but I don’t find it entertaining.