Sons of Anarchy 9/11

Great first episode of the season. I’m a big Jimmy Smits fan, and am really happy to see him back on TV in a good show. The Latina woman who helps him run his business in the show is Smits’ real-life partner Wanda de Jesus. They’ve been together over 25 years. I remember when she did a guest spot in an early season of NYPD Blue.

This episode really set up a whole bunch of stuff for the season, although i realized early on that i probably should have watched the last few episodes of season 4, ust to remind myself about what the hell was going on. I had forgotten, for example, about Danny Trejo’s character’s true identity, and it took me a moment to remember, and to work out what was going on.

Anyway, looking forward to the rest of the season, and i hope that plenty of people will stick around to discuss it.

Season 3 sucked, for the most part. The stuff in Ireland was woeful. It’s worth pushing through it, though, because the end of the season, and then season 4, really get things back on track.

IMHO last night’s episode was the poo! If fuckin rocked.

I am really starting to like Nero. He has the potential to be a great friend to the club. The scene where he and Jax were driving and he played chicken with the One Niners was awesome. I’m not sure yet if he has ulterior motives for helping the club, but for now I am willing to accept it at face value.

Tig is really spiraling out of control. I understand his anger and desire for vengeance, but he has completely removed what is best for the club from his thought process completely. The scene where he walked in on his daughter getting nailed was pretty jaw dropping to me.

I was really surprised that Opie didn’t cap Clay last night when he showed up at Opie’s house. But I knew exactly what was going to happen when Opie got to the shop when everyone was getting arrested. I thought that part was great. It reminded me of my friends when I was younger. If you went to jail they’d either get you out, or get in there with you.

I couldn’t really tell, but I think the guys it showed throwing away Clay’s safe into the dumpster were the new nomads who just joined the club. If so, I wonder if that means Clay put them up to breaking in and stealing it since that would be the only way for him to get the contents. Otherwise they’re working for Pope, which seems pretty unlikely to me.

What did you guys think of last night’s episode? In all, I’d rate it as FUCKING AWESOME, but you’re scale may vary from mine. :slight_smile:

Why would Clay want the contents of the safe? That scene passed by so fast I wasn’t sure what was going on. They were looking at yellow documents - what were those?

Haha, I just saw an episode in season 3 where Gemma is on the run, and they suggest she color her hair red. She said she’d rather cut off her hair than be a red head! Great Married! With Children reference.

I could only see that one of them was a marriage license.

It was Clay and Gemma’s marriage license. I paused it to look.

The other was a birth certificate for Thomas Wayne Teller, with parents John and Gemma Teller.

I guess that means Jax has/had a brother. Have we had any indication of this before?

I thought it was an excellent episode, and i’m really digging Jimmy Smits’ character.

IIRC in season one they mentioned that Jax had a brother named Thomas who died and that was what led to the wedge between Gemma and John.

I’m watching season 3 now; and there’s a slight reference to another child there too.

I’m surprised, especially since some of you seem to be avid watchers.

Thomas has been a constant presence throughout the series. His illness and death have been referred to many times over. There was at least one scene (if not more) with Jax at his brother’s grave. Gemma refers to Thomas’ illness several times as the impetus for her and John’s distance. John’s voiceovers refer to Thomas many times, not least in his letters to Maureen. We’ve learned that it was Thomas’ illness that brought JT back from Belfast and indirectly precipitated his (JT’s) death.

Did y’all really miss all of the references to Thomas? I’m honestly curious if it’s something that’s obvious to me only as someone who’s watched each episode multiple times, or if it’s something that shouldn’t slip past the casual viewer…

Sorry, I just tend to forget some things having to wait a year between seasons. :slight_smile:

That is an excellent point. I picked up SoA late in the game, when seasons 1-3 were free through Amazon Prime streaming. I watched the first three seasons in a marathon over two weeks, and have re-watched some of my favorite episodes upwards of ten times. I held off buying season four (until this thread, actually. I opened it, was spoiled, and had to watch the rest immediately [you bastard :)]). Now I’m subscribed to the new season.

If you watch back-to-back episodes (four or five episodes an evening, a season in three to four days), references to Thomas are ubiquitous. I’m not exactly sure when Gemma and Clay got together, when JT took off to Belfast, or the sequence of JT’s manuscript in relation to his letters to Maureen, but it’s clear that Thomas’ illness and death is a driving undercurrent to the show’s entire premise.

Don’t know if I would have caught it were I watching one episode a week for 12-14 weeks a year, though.

Fuck this fucking show.

Fuck. That was as bad as last week. (I mean watching it was hard, not that the show was bad.) The show is awesome and that’s what’s so terrible. Fuck. Make me love these characters and…goddamn.

They all but had that character last week say “I’m only one day from retirement!”.

Surely I’m not the only one who cried like a baby. Right?

That was hard to watch :frowning:

I was expecting him to volunteer to go in (Katniss style), but the way it went down was very very hard to watch.

Augh. That was brutal.

I wonder how honest Jax was being when he was talking to whatshisface. About Tig.

Chibs or Pope?

I caoudn’t believe they kille dOpie. The Winston family can’t catch a break around SAMCRO; Donna, Piney, and now Opie.

The Sons are making enemies faster than they are friends, and are in a hole so deep, one good kick and they’re in China.

Anyone who thinks shows like this “glamorize” criminal/outlaw life haven’t been paying attention.

Jax needs to turn Happy loose on that entire prsion’s guard staff.

BTW, does anyone else think that Clay called the police and dropped the dime on Nero and his operation? As revenge for screwing his Old Lady?