It’s the curse of the medical student : Co-inciding Illness !
So, first I got a rotten 'flu from some child in paediatrics, and then for my 2 week Opthalmology rotation I had scratchy, dry eyes. All my friends had great fun looking at my red and watering eyes, before deciding that I probably had viral conjunctivitisand to take it easy.
Now for my ENT (ear, nose and throat) rotation I have cold sores in my nose (yes, inside- it hurts like a mofo) which have made all the glands in my face and neck swell up, so I look like a chipmunk. My friends now get to say things like “I can feel your pre-auricular lymph node, that’s not supposed to be palpable, is it?”
I’m starting to get a bad feeling about my Obstetrics rotation!