Sothern California has a Tuba Thief on the loose!

Story here

All you tuba players, be careful.

The problem isn’t so much that they’re stealing the tubas so much are they’re doing so to play banda.

That must have been one slow and noisy getaway

well, southern california is the tuba capital of the world. Acme Tuba, Tuba World, Tubas ‘R’ Us, International House of Tubas, Tuba Or Not Tuba, Tuba Ligation.

Maybe they are using the tubas for something else besides music:confused:

Maybe some of them were used to form a musical quartet; the Tuba Fours :smiley: :rolleyes:

(I should slink away now)

Have you notified TubaDiva?

Getting ready to throw down

How could something like this be anything but an inside job? At my high school, you couldn’t just walk the halls and find the band room and walk out with anything. That shit was kept under lock and key, and strange adults on the premises would be questioned before they even made it that far.

Oh nm. Just read the article and it appears the schools were broken into. Even my broke-ass school had hallway cameras, though. Dunno how you could get away with something like this.

We had a thread about Southern California Tuba Thefts back in December:
Is this a continuation of that tubaz-stealing spree, or is this a new outbreak?

And I still think it’s because El Tubadero ran out of tubas.

Notified her? She’s the prime suspect.

Could they be sold for their metal? Copper and brass thieves are stealing pipes out of houses, and even trying to steal power lines.

Tubad for them.

It’s alleged to be to supply the demands of Mexican bands, but if these are brass tubas, I suspect they are being scrapped for metal.

I hope when they’re caught someone has the presence of mind to play the sad tuba sound.

That’s crazy.

Brass is about $1.50/lb.
Brass tubas weigh about 15 lb and cost well above $1,000 .

Thats right, blame the Mexicans! It is one thing no Mexican can resist, we gotta have them tubas.

Metal theft is insane.

you got homes being broken into and walls & floors ripped open for the copper pipes and wire. 20 to 30 grand of damage so some asshole can sell less than a $100 worth of copper.

I can easily see brass instruments stolen for scrap metal.

It’s possible, but why leave the trombones and trumpets, then?

All I can say is that, of all the great music from Mexico, it’s really unfortunate that banda is the one that’s getting more popular.

Ok, that would rule out scrap metal.