"Soulful" creatures vs. ants...

Sorry, not a question here, so feel free to close this… many people asked where I got the reference to “soulful” animals in a previous ant-torturing thread. I went to bed after I posted, and the thread was closed when I got up this AM (I live in Asia, so different time)…

I got this from the book The Genesis Question by Hugh Ross.

I am NOT a Biblical scholar, so let me paraphrase from Mr. Ross’ book (pg. 49), “Genesis 1:20-21 goes on to introduce animals that are radically different from those previously mentioned. These creatures are identified by the Hebrew noun nephesh. Nephesh has the following definitions: soulish creature; person; mind; land creature with the breath of life; creatures capable of expressing yearnings, emotions, passions and will; and self-aware creatures.”

The creatures mentioned earlier in Genesis are not referred to as Nephesh… those earlier mentioned are fish, insects, etc…

To me, at least, there is a clear difference between an ant and a dog…


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Moderator please close this when you want to…

Damn it!
You mean I have to be self aware to have a soul.

Sorry, steeljaw, but that seems to be the case!

Back to the top again before I go to bed! WHEEEEEE!!