Sound in "Rock the Casbah"

Around the middle (1 minute 55 seconds in) of the song “Rock the Casbah” by the Clash, there’s this odd noise that sounds like a cell phone or a watch beeping; what is this?

Do you mean the noise near the phrase, “The king called out his jetfighters”? I assume that it’s just supposed to be some non-descript jetfighter electronic noise. On the other hand, it could be an electric camel drum.

If it’s the noise I’m thinking of, it’s a distinct noise from a Mattel Electronic Football game.

There is a different noise with the jet fighters.

I’m going with AmbushBug on this one. I always thought it sounded just like the old ecltronic football game.

What lyric is at the point where the electronic noise is heard?

I think AmbushBug is right. I remember having that game and playing it all the time as a kid. Everytime I hear that (which has not been for a while) it reminds me of that old game.

It may not be exactly it, but it’s pretty close to the melody to “Dixie”.

Almost (or exactly?) like the horn on the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard.

Another vote for AmbushBug’s football game. I had one of those…we discovered you don’t want to leave it in the back window of a car. It melted. Still played, though.
mouthbreather, I don’t think the Dukes of Hazzard sound is the one I’m thinking of…it has two zaps of sound.

Around that time, I had a Casio watch that could play “Dixie” instead of it’s regular “Beep-Beep” sound when the alarm went off. I thought it was really cool my watch was in a Clash song.

It also knew “Greensleeves” and “Clementine”…

Yes, I could place the sound the first time I heard the song…I think it was a tackle after a first down.

Handheld Football

As I stated in the duplicate of this thread, if we are talking of the noise during the “The local guitar picker…” lyric, it sounds to me like a middle-eastern string instrument, perhaps a sitar. Also, this fits better with the lyric than an electronic game noise.

I still can’t find the sound. On my mp3, 1:55 is the end of the line “The in crowd say it’s cool”. Is this the right place?

Sorry, I was wrong…it is actually Coleco’s version. Oddly enough I can’t find a sample of the sounds…

This is assuming you are referring to the part that goes
beep-beep beep bididy beep…I don’t have my copy or an MP3 of it handy.