Soup Nazi recipes

Remember the “Soup Nazi” episode on Seinfeld?
That episode was one of my many favorites.

Here’s some links to 3 of the “Soup Nazis” recipes:

Contestant #3

Hey, thanks a lot for the link. There is a number four recipe as well. It’s a bisque.

I will cook these this winter!

C#3 - I love that site. I use it all the time. I finally have the recipe for those yummy biscuits that Red Lobster serves.


Thanks C3, I think I’ll make some tonight. And woe to the person who asks for bread…

Hmmmph! I posted that site a couple of times and did I get some kind of recognition?? Nooooooooo!! Nary a mention, a simple thanks, a note of gratitude. It’s always the same that get all the compliments. I’ve got some serious pouting to do.

Isn’t ‘Nazi’ an offensive word? How do they get away with anyway?

Soup. Hmm, maybe I can now open a store in NY myself.

poor Omni-not. Sorry, I didn’t see you post it before. I’ve had it in my bookmarks for a couple of years now.

Here - move the rest of this post to the threads where you posted the link.

Omni-not - Great recipe site! I use it all the time and love it. Thank you for sharing, you’re an absolute jewel.


Sorry omniscientnot, I wasn’t trying to step on your toes. I don’t remember reading your earlier post. It’s just that it’s getting chilly in these parts and lately soup has been sounding good.

Has anyone actually tried that sweet-potato based soup?

Contestant #3