South Cacalacky gets even luckier. Now the Christian Aryans want to secede

A few years back I started this thread about a group of “Christians” who were plotting to facilitate the secession of South Carolina.

I haven’t really followed up as to the fate of that particular group since then, but a recent article in an alternative Atlanta-area paper regarding (allegedly) Christian white supremacists gave me that deja vous feeling.

It is a rather long (and disturbing) article but worth the read, imho. Here’s a little sample:

So what’s the deal? Is South Carolina running a special for batshit crazy, woefully ignorant, secession plotting sociopaths or something?

IIRC, South Carolina tried succession once already. It ended badly.

Knowing a fair number of people in South Carolina, I’d say not. Just because some WDC based nut-job decides it would be a good idea for SC to break away doesn’t mean that the general population of the Palmetto State favors such a move.

Eh, no more than Montana.

Hijack: “Palmetto State?”

So are they nicknamed after a candy bar or a cockroach?

[/end hijack]

South Carolina tried secession at least once before the Civil War. I’m not quite sure what the heck is going on with SC, but they seem to have been out of step with the rest of the United States from the beginning.

In their defense, however, I don’t see much chance that SC is going to do anything now.

What we should do is get these loons to take Florida out of the Union. Heck, I will personally give up my share of that state (due to me as a citizen of the United States), and I encourage my fellow Dopers to do the same. Between the craziness of the Cuban_Americans in southern Florida, the Miami Beach retirees who insist on starting across the street when the light turns red, and the inability of anyone down there to understand how to vote

I would not miss the place. I live in California; we have pretty decent oranges here, too.

I think that guy came from Washington State, not D.C. Not too many white supremacists around here.

Duly noted.

I certainly don’t hold the general citizenry of South Carolina responsible for thier apparent attractiveness to the scum of the earth. Maybe a collective change of deodorant or shampoo is called for…

[aside] Never heard the expression “South Cacalacky” before. Derivation? [/aside]

AFAIK, it’s [Cackalacky] just a set of nonsense syllables for “Carolina”, that caught on, much the same way “Scandahoovian” is generally recognized slang for"Scandanavian".

I I was from South Carolina, I’d be deeply ashamed. Now what’s all this about leaving the Union?

What is that famous quote… “South Carolina is too small to be a country and too large to be an insane asylum.”- James Petigru

I doubt the South Carolinians will welcome these guys in quite the manner that they think. ;>

Hell, if we get to vote on who the nutbars take over and take out of the union, I vote for that stinking shithole known as Texas. There’s a few decent folks there but really, it’s too full of rat bastards to be worth saving overall.

I’ve never heard of a palmetto candy bar or cockroach, but the palmetto is the state tree of South Carolina. It is on the state flag and the state seal.

Nah. Palmetto bug.

(This being the Pit, any uncomplimentary story regarding any state will be followed by numerous posts attacking the residents of the state (even if, as here, the residents have nothing to do with promoting the idiocy being Pitted), followed by a number of further posts excoriating the citizens of other states, just to let those posters with blocked bile ducts get some out of their system.

Two lions escaped from a circus in Texas. They decided to split up so as to be able to hide a little better and meet again in a month.

When they met one of them as fat, sassy and in excellent condition. The other was skinny, ribs showing and half starved.

“My God, what have you been eating?” asked fatso.

“Texans. How about you?” replied scarecrow.

“Texans also. Show me your hunting tecnique.”

So the skinny one sneaked around as if hunting a Texan and then charged with a great roar.

“Oh you don’t want to roar like that. If you do you scare the shit out of them and then all you’ve got left is a ten gallon hat, a silver belt buckle and a pair of high heeled boots.”

Your profile does not include your location. That is wise.

Sounds racist to me. Like something George Allen might say.

That was an interesting article, worth reading in it’s entirety.

A particularly puzzling bit of Aryan Nation thought oddity in the above story:

WTF? Can anyone attempt to explain this?

Perhaps these folks should be allowed to have their own precious space, apart from all other people, surrounded by barbed wire, and protected from “tainted” food farmed by other races, prepared in restaurants from people of other races, not viewing entertainment created by other races, nor clothing produced by other races, cars produced by…well, you get the idea. Let them produce everything by themselves, with no cotton-pickin’ help.

A noble experiment.

To the best of my knowlege, the worst thing that can be said about “Cackalacky” (apparantly the way I spelled it in my OP’s is the one way that is not accepted as a alternate spelling) is that it is regional slang. These folks apparently hold the trademark.

I should have linked to the additional editorial written by the author. It is linked at the bottom of the story, and provides even further insight into just how he pulled off this particular stint of investigative journalism. His appearance certainly helped (his picture can be found on the upper right hand corner of both articles), but I can’t imagine what he must have gone through to report on the event.

The first few paragraphs: