Southpark questions

The fight between Timmy and the muscular dystrophy kid was instigated by “put your hat on, Timmy!”
What is this a take off from?

Why is Kenny’s soul in Cartman/s body?


Kenny was cremated. The boys were looking for a winning ticket for a candy contest and Cartman thought it was cocoa and made chocolate milk out of the ashes.

That’s the only explanation I’ve seen - but last week’s was the first one I’d seen in a while.

woo…I said that badly.
Kenny’s mother told them that he was in the urn. In their search for the ticket, they stole the urn, opened it and thought it was cocoa. Cartman then drank it.

Drat – Must have been a new one that I missed (Kenny’s ashes…).

But… The LOTR parody episode last night was great! :slight_smile:

Incidentally, in one of the shorts that preceded the South Park TV show–Frosty the Snowman, I think–“Kenny” was the kid who looked like Cartman.

It looked to me like a knockoff of the awesome fight scene in They Live in which Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David have a big, long, drawn-out, utterly badass fight scene over whether David is going to put on a pair of sunglasses or not.

“Put 'em on!”

*POW! *



And so on.

There is a movie where a “freak” -someone along the lines of the Elephant Man or Lenny-is used to make money for his “keeper” and made to wear a “funny hat”. The rebellion is brought to a head by “wear your hat”.