Spanish man crashes car against the HQ of the ruling party in Spain

A Spanish man from a village in the Aragonese province of Teruel, blaming the current government of Spain for his financial troubles, loaded his car with a couple of butane gas tanks and two sacks of fertilizer and crashed it at top speed against the Madrid headquarters of the Popular Party(*) (the current party in government in Spain).

Initial reports said he was a ruined businessman, although other sources (citing relatives of the man) call him a long-term unemployed person who ended up developing some psychiatric troubles. We’ll see.

The car did not explode, and the man was arrested on the spot by police.

I am glad that nobody got hurt, and I must say that the whole affair looks sad and pathetic to me.

Link to the BBC with information in English: Spanish man crashes car into Popular Party HQ - BBC News

Link to the Spanish newspaper “El País”, in Spanish:

(*) For the benefit of our US readers, the PP can be said --although this would be a very gross simplification-- the rough counterpart to the Republican party in the US.

The PP could also be said to be the rough counterpart to the Conservative party in the UK, but I must say that the UK Conservative party is more efficient and gives, in my opinion, better governance than the PP. But that is neither here nor there.

May all bombers be that efficient.

Yeah, not even him. From what I see in a second País article, he was already in psychiatric treatment. No SO is mentioned; he lived next door to his parents but, given the size of the place he’s from, living on the other end of the village would have been, hmmm… some six houses down? OK, maybe twelve. In any case, independently but not alone.

That nobody got hurt means he’s almost surely going directly into psychiatric care, which from here looks like it’s what he needs.

This reminded me of the incident in 2007 where a guy filled his car full of gas canisters and crashed into Glasgow airport. This led to the best newspaper headline ever I kicked burning terrorist so hard in balls that I tore a tendon in my foot

Seems there’s more to bomb making than just putting a bunch of bomb components in a pile.

But yea, sounds like getting institutionalized somewhere will be better for both the gentleman in question and anyone living around him.

Seems like he went to the Biff Tannen School of Terrorism.