A Spanish man from a village in the Aragonese province of Teruel, blaming the current government of Spain for his financial troubles, loaded his car with a couple of butane gas tanks and two sacks of fertilizer and crashed it at top speed against the Madrid headquarters of the Popular Party(*) (the current party in government in Spain).
Initial reports said he was a ruined businessman, although other sources (citing relatives of the man) call him a long-term unemployed person who ended up developing some psychiatric troubles. We’ll see.
The car did not explode, and the man was arrested on the spot by police.
I am glad that nobody got hurt, and I must say that the whole affair looks sad and pathetic to me.
Link to the BBC with information in English: Spanish man crashes car into Popular Party HQ - BBC News
Link to the Spanish newspaper “El País”, in Spanish: http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2014/12/19/actualidad/1418971303_855583.html
(*) For the benefit of our US readers, the PP can be said --although this would be a very gross simplification-- the rough counterpart to the Republican party in the US.
The PP could also be said to be the rough counterpart to the Conservative party in the UK, but I must say that the UK Conservative party is more efficient and gives, in my opinion, better governance than the PP. But that is neither here nor there.