Speaker Phone Cell Phone - Why use one?

I have a friend that’ll two-way while doing #2. I try to remember not to ask the question, “So… what you are doing?” because I really don’t want to know.

Discretion is an under used virtue when it comes to cellphones.

The husband uses his speaker phone when speaking to his mother because he has carpal tunnel syndrom and holding a tiny phone to his ear for a prolonged period aggravates it. So he sets it on the table next to him and talks that way. I suppose he could use headphones, but if it’s in the privacy of our home it doesn’t really matter.

Also, if you want to include a second person with the conversation it allows you to do so.

But we don’t do that in public places where it would be annoying at best.

We’re so used to annoying people with our phones, that many of us don’t realize that you CAN use your cell phone in private, or in a meeting with others via the conference feature. Gulp - it can be used like a regular phone: Politely!

Imagine that!