IMDb fails me.
Wikipedia fails me.
Google fails me.
Jebus, even People magazine (which I had expected to mention the TV movie in “Picks & Pans”) fails me.
Surely there must be some record somewhere of when this first aired?
IMDb fails me.
Wikipedia fails me.
Google fails me.
Jebus, even People magazine (which I had expected to mention the TV movie in “Picks & Pans”) fails me.
Surely there must be some record somewhere of when this first aired?
Er, the IDMB page says 1995. Is that not correct?
Correct, but not specific enough. I’m looking for the actual date.
Hate to ask, but…why?
Ah. Then January 4, 1995, on Lifetime. According to this article.
Thank you! Exactly what I was hoping to be able to find.
Since the question has been answered, I’m closing this at the OP’s request.
Despite the OP’s request to lock this thread, there’s no actual reason to – we just let things like this drop off the front page.
So I’ve reopened it (after one of my colleagues locked it), in hopes that the OP will return to answer the question “why do you want to know” – which, let’s face it, is more intriguing than the original question.
Thanks, twickster.
So now, KneadToKnow, why’d you need to know? A bet? A question in a trivia contest? Was it the night you met your spouse? Inquiring minds…
'Cause he needs an alibi! He was at home, watching the movie…
Wow! A mystery so compelling it prompts some hot mod-mod drama and a thread resurrection.
This is something I should sleep on.
Don’t toy with us, dude!
Do I really seem like the kind of person who would drag something out?
Dude, not to play the guilt card, but since I did do the research for you – throw me a bone here!
Ah, now see, that’s reasoning that works for me.
In my traveling through time*, I have been many things to many people. A son, a husband, an ex-husband, an employee, a teacher, a student, a dude-who-got-caught-staring-at-boobs**.
More than anything, though, I have been a geek.
One of my many geek domains is old TV shows, especially on DVD. And being a geek watching old TV shows on DVD leads to geeky notions like “maybe it would be fun to watch my DVDs in order by their original air dates.”
Here’s the rub: sad and pathetic and geeky as that notion may be, you can’t make it happen if you can’t get all the original air dates.
And now, I lay stripped of all subterfuge before you, a jury of my peers.
** Often.
Damn. That is really freakin’ sad. No wonder you wanted us to lock the thread.
This is what I’m sayin’.
Having just begun reading the books (and tearing through them pretty damn fast), I’d give my left nut to watch the series and movies. I was a kid when the series was on and maybe saw part of one.
The books are fantastic.
Here you go. You can keep your nut.
Yay! Guilt works every time. My mother was right!
But no need to be ashamed. I’m pretty anal about reading different authors’ mystery series in chronological order, even ones like Rex Stout and Agatha Christie – whose works don’t have much continuity that would be affected by reading 'em out-of-order. I don’t see why watching TV shows in order should be any sadder.
Now what would be really said if you were determined to watch the shows on the actual date they’d aired originally… like if you were OCD-enough to wait for next January 4 in order to see A Savage Place. Then I’d start to worry!