Spray A Stove For Roaches?

I seem to have an odd problem that I’ve never encountered before.

About two weeks ago I found a roach in my kitchen. I put down the thin layer of boric acid and it worked. I didn’t see them after collecting a few dead bodies, I thought OK good.

Then the last two days, I’ve seen tiny ones, I guess they’re babies and one big one IN my stove. I can’t kill it as they are running into the stove. Like they will run behind the knobs and go in there.

I cleaned my stove good and proper yesterday, but I still see them. The thing is I don’t see them on the floor or anywhere else. I still have the boric acid, but of course you can’t use that IN a stove. Because unless the suckers crawl over it, it doesn’t do any good.

So I thought about spraying the stove, in hopes at minimum it would drive the roaches onto the ground where the boric acid would eventually kill them.

My questions is can you spray a stove? I don’t use the stove much, but I do use the burners. As I said, it’s weird, 'cause the problem for now seems to be confined to the stove. I used an oven cleaner over it but they still could be hiding deep in areas.

Any advice I’d appreciate

Call an exterminator. This is precisely the sort of question they’ll have a good answer for. If there’s a simple, cheap solution you can implement yourself, they’ll probably tell you about it - that’s the best way to build goodwill for if/when you really need an exterminator, after all.

Is it a freestanding stove? If so, then there are several inches of space below it where they could be living. If it has a storage drawer at the very bottom, it may be possible to remove the drawer entirely. Read the manual to see how, but it’s fairly simple on my stove. Once you do that, you should have access to the underside. Or you may be able to pull the stove away from the wall and get to the area behind it.

Fog the apartment.

Am I the only one here that is, simultaneously, laughing and crying at the moment?


How about putting the boric acid under the stove, to dust the floor underneath, along the sides and behind. Then turn the oven on to 500 for a while. Things get hot, bugs vacate or roast. Simple.

Is that fresh baked roaches I smell?

This worked very well for me.


Nuke them from orbit

I didn’t catch that this was happening in an apartment. But if it is, he really needs to involve the landlord or building management since it’s probably not just his apartment that’s infested.

Hmm. Prolly a bit like chestnuts.

I’ll try that. It is an apartment, but the landlord won’t do anything but give me roach bait stations. And the situation seems to be they somehow got into the stove. I almost never use it. I think I might have used it twice so far this year.

I was hoping that if I could just use Raid or another quick kill all over the stove, it would end the problem and then the boric acid I have around the stove would kill them off.

I was just wondering about the safety, if I sprayed it with something like Raid or whatever. Could I just leave it for a few days, then clean the stove again? I use the burner but almost never the stove.

It’s odd as it seems to be soley the stove. I bought one of those sticky traps and cut it up and pasted it around the stove, to see if the roaches would cross it. If so they’d get stuck and I’d see where the problem is. But no, the sticky mouse traps are as clean as ever.

I wouldn’t want to mess with the possibility of missing residue from the spray. That stuff is so nasty. If there’s a broiler drawer on the bottom, I would bet there’s food splatter and enough stuff under the stove to feed them for a while, but they need water, so I’d bet they’re just coming out when you can’t see them. They’re sneaky sumbitches! I’m sorry your landlord sucks. I spotted one cucaracha once and the nice exterminator man was sent the next morning. I had already cleaned the cabinets out and dusted the shelves with borax. He added bait paste in strategic places (safe for my pets) and so far so good.

I have had all kinds in my apartment, spiders, ants, silverfish, centipedes, beetles, the only thing that made me scream like a little girl and run from the room was that one damn roach! I also keep some boric acid dusted along the baseboards and swept under them. It seems to have cut down on the rest quite a bit.