Spreading "info" about member's location, age, occupation, etc.=against SDMB rules?

It happens frequently that in the middle of a thread someone shows up to post The True Information on “who” I am or “what” I am and “where” I live and “what” I do.
They do this without having any information on me at all, yet that can’t stop them from posting their fantasies (with a clear enough goal.)
This disrupts the ongoing debates, adds nothing at all to the thread but as result of this it happens that other members who read this Reveiling Personal Info on Aldebaran post comments to me in reference to these fantasies.
I must say I am getting tired about this. I don’t want to be pushed on spending my time refuting the products of some other member’s imagination.

I never saw any reaction from a moderator on these posts.
So my question is: Is what they do against the rules of the SDMB?

  • Or is this something I can start doing on them to make being object of their hobby at least a bit funny for myself.*

Salaam. A

Okay, we’ll investigate this.

As for your actions, lemme ask you a couple of questions:

  1. If someone does something that’s not right, what makes it okay for you?
  2. If Johnny jumped off the cliff, would you jump too?

Sorry for channeling my mother there for a minute, but it has some application.

How would YOU like to be treated on this board? That’s how you should treat other people, with that same respect and consideration.

your humble TubaDiva

Sorry, but I can’t follow you… Can you refrase that in simple English?

Or is this meant as a speculation that I post stupid so called “info” on members I have no clue about and that this is the reason members to this about me?
Sorry but that is not the situation.

Salaam. A

Well, the posters may simply be mistaken about your “info”. Chronically lying about other posters would be poor form, I agree, but we don’t outlaw being honestly wrong. Can you provide some links to where this has happened to you? Thanks.

I think what TubaDiva was trying to say was, If you think it’s wrong, you probably shouldn’t do it. The age-old axiom of not lowering yourself to your opponent’s level.

Plus, if it turns out to be against the rules, and you do it, you could get admonished.

Oh, I see… No, I was joking about that… I have a lot of fantasy but I prefer to use that for writing funny things :slight_smile:


No, it is not about “being honestly wrong”.
That is only the case with those memebers who go forth on this so called “information” and have further no idea they only have read some other member’s fantasy (there are only a few addicted to this strange hobby).
This is going on since many months, so I need to look around a bit to find links (maybe better send them by mail ?).

Salaam. A