Spring/Summer Reads - 2015

I just finished reading The Girl On the Train by Paula Hawkins. Astoundingly fun! A great thriller, some remnants of Hitchcock, and a fun-styled, 1st person narrative. Reading this, I realize I never read enough female writers as I do males. Last one might’ve been Agatha Christie. :smack: I really, really recommend this one and would love to hear comments from those who have read it.

Although I need some more women writers on my list, my next one is Mr. Mercedes, by Stephen King. His supernatural isn’t as fun for me anymore. I enjoyed his recent Full Dark, No Stars as disturbing as it was. Mercedes seems to be a serial killer chase novel. Also good for a Spring or Summer read.

Any other suggestions for fiction or non-fiction this summer, please post about them. 'Tis the seasons to read!