squirrels load a car with 50 POUNDS of snacks

Heres the story … MSN

My question is they did all of this while they still used the car ? Its not clear how long it took …

my relatives tell me this isn’t unknown any rodent type of animal will do the same thing (my aunt told me about a nest of rabbits in an old van they had in the backyard …)but normally they use old abandoned sitting cars …

They don’t have to be exactly abandoned - I remember squirrels took over a perfectly good truck just stored in a shed over winter because the truck wouldn’t be needed till summer. But I can’t imagine squirrels using a vehicle that keeps moving and changing places.

Mr.Wrekker had an old farm truck he uses off and on for hauling nasty junk around our property. A nest of squirrels lived under the hood for quite a while. He only found after they chewed through the wiring and the truck wouldn’t start. It was a real mess.
So, yep they will take up residence anywhere they can. Even a moving truck.
Some rodent built a nest in the housing of our generator and had a large stash of grub.
We have really tall outdoor lighting fixtures that squirrels built nests in the globes, they automatically come on at dusk, the squirrels had to sleep in a bright light. I got a few more tales of weird places animals have moved into around here.

What the hell kind of squirrel is that in the top (apparently stock image) picture?

He’s a strange one.

That would be an Eurasian red squirrel in its winter coat.

Thanks! The perfect choice for this story out of Michigan. Lol.

Does anyone else think that the perfect/unchewed state of the large pine cones in that picture is suspicious? Plus, those look like bigger cones than I see in the upper Midwest.

Here in neighboring Ontario we have a decent variety of cones, some of which can be that big. The picture does look a tad staged to my eye though. At the very least they had to arrange the pile again after popping the hood and pulling out the arm that keeps it propped up.

A good friend used to live on a small ranch in Pozo, Ca. He had tons of squirrels on his place. We were going dirt bike riding one day, and after putting on our gear, he squats down next to his bike and undoes the airbox cover. A buttload of acorns fell out, and he scooped more out with his hand. Seems the squirrels had discovered a great hiding spot in the gap between the airbox and rear fender! Ah…county life!:stuck_out_tongue:

What top picture? The only picture I see (other than the ads) is one of the car with the hood up.

Yep, I’ve had to rewire my wife’s daily driver because squirrels had taken up residence under the hood, at least at night. They chewed through wires and left acorns shells scattered throughout.

Goddamn mouse took up in my BMW, setting up shop. Been sitting no more than 4 or 5 days. :mad: Made a little Kleenex bed under the seat and in the glove compartment. Found this out just yesterday. Need to drive it more, I guess.

A while ago, I tossed chunks of kill bait around the garage. I noticed it was all gone a short time later. A while after that, I opened the trunk to the Volvo (which doesn’t get driven) and a pack-rat had picked up all the bait blocks and stored them in there, next to his filthy little nest. :rolleyes:

Once again, Baldrick, the Devil farts in my face.

50 lbs of pine cones? Meh.

The title says squirrels but the video says woodpeckers. I’ll go with the birds.