St. German and others, is this a joke?

Her rent is $650. Is that really expensive?

This. A few people asked why you were in NYC, with the idea in mind that moving elsewhere might, or might not, be worth considering—from what you had told us so far, it wasn’t clear whether this was something you should at least think about.

You seemed to resent the question, and eventually you came out with this non-sequitur:

This is a non-answer. It says nothing about why you came specifically to NYC nor about why or whether you want to stay there, only about why you left the place you were before, and it’s not relevant to what anyone was asking. It almost makes you sound as though you don’t believe any place other than New York exists.

No one was asking for anything more personal than you already gave in your OP.

You acted like a total bitch in that thread. If that’s how you are in real life, no wonder you can’t get a job.

While I do think she acted poorly, I hope the board won’t make more of it than it really is. She’s stressed and unhappy and has reasons of her own for being sensitive of the issue (apparently), so ideally the rest of us just roll our eyes and move on.

Consider taking a break from the board.

I don’t know that there was anyone, St. Germain included, in your thread who wasn’t sincerely attempting to be helpful to you, even if you weren’t fond of how some people were trying to get there. Your apparently level of ire over being asked questions you didn’t want to answer (as opposed to such responses as “I don’t really want to get into that”) just doesn’t fit the circumstances.

I’m genuinely sorry to hear about what you’re dealing with, and I hope that your life sorts itself out in a positive way very quickly. But from my gallery seat, it looks like you’re taking your frustrations out on the wrong people.

moejoe made a very succinct point at the beginning of this thread that you seem to have glossed over, by the way.


The title of the original thread was “Anxious about life; need advice/ideas.” I’m starting to believe that this is one of those situations where someone is asking for advice and ideas but what they really want is sympathy and reassurance.

Mississippienne, if you go on a public message board, post about your personal life, and ask for opinions, it’s guaranteed you’re not going to like some of the opinions you receive.

In this case, you heard two things you didn’t like: that a person saying they had financial problems while living in one of the most expensive cities in the world might consider relocating and that telling people you know about your financial problems might be seen as an indirect way to ask for money. Quite frankly, these are not unreasonable responses. You’re free to disagree with these responses but being outraged by them is unjustified.

I have to reiterate this, from my post also. At this time the board isn’t going to help. Take care of yourself and find a path through, but don’t let yourself get more upset from here!

When you can’t get more then a few days of work per week at Walgreens (or wherever it is), yes it is.

That’s true in every city.

True, but we don’t know what she gets for that money. She could probably get into a roommate situation someplace else for $200 per month. Savings are savings, regardless of the value of what she’s paying for. If she can’t afford it, she can’t afford it.

Yeah, but there is a cost to moving and not necessarily easy to find a better roommate situation than she’s got in some strange city with no friends or relatives around.

But this can get real silly, really quickly. If she can find an apartment with a roommate in New Orleans for 200, maybe she can find it even cheaper in Alabama.

If someone is trying to live in a Manhattan loft for 7000 a month, then I can see all the, “OMG, living in NYC is only for the fabulous, run outta there the second you hit a rough patch!!”

But she has found a space for 6 freaking 50. That is a very good rent, and if you love NYC, and you fall on hard times, you might want some advice that doesn’t include moving to another city.

Not to defend the OP too much, because I feel her response to people who are trying to help is just wrong. But I know a lot of people who live downstate, I can tell you from experience, it is freaking annoying when people overstate the cost of living in NYC. After you have been there enough, and know enough people who manage to find a space with affordable rent, you get tired of hearing the whole “it’s impossible to live in nyc unless you are one of the chosen who can make it anywhere elite!”

I just sympathize with the OP in that regard.

Join Date: Mar 2004

I get it, math isn’t your strong suit. Or is it 2015 where you live?

maybe the capital D was a typo?

This explains so much.

I confess, from the very beginning of the original thread I expected an eventual solicitation of donations; and frankly, I’m still not convinced it’s not in the works.

Maybe I’m wrong, I dunno. Wouldn’t be the first time.

So sue me. Or pit me.

That doesn’t mean jacksquat. My join date says 2001 but I’ve actually been lurking since 1999.

I think she was hoping someone would offer and that would get the ball rolling. But no one “bit” most likely due to her crappy attitude.

Well, you can, but if you couldn’t stop people from prying, it’s silly to think you can stop them from mocking.