Stalin: A necessary evil?

Was it neccessary to appease Stalin, a cruel and unimaginable monster of Humankind, with aid and praise?

I’ve just read about him on my history course, and was thinking of basing my assignment on him, if you could be of any help and provide some little known information on him for me that would be great. Thanx.

If you’re talking about World War Two, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 90% of Wehrmacht casualties were inflicted by the Red Army.

90%? I don’t think so, even I know it was in the vicinity of 70%

I think it was. By the time the Allies supported Stalin, he had done most his evil deeds (Ukranian famine, White Sea Canal, Great Purge, etc.). By the time Hitler was defeated, he had just been getting started. He had many more people to kill and enslave on his list.

Unless you’re talking about opposing Stalin when he first came to power, but there was no political will in the world to do so.

I heard his voice the first time today, it was more higher pitched than I was expecting.

Well, what did you expect? His balls are roasting in Hell.

Sorry for the slight hijack, but does anyone remember who the Lenin apologist on the board was?

Hahaha…Beria was a bastard though, I always thought he looked like Londo Mollari!

You’re gonna have to narrow it down more than that. This board is full of Lenin apologists.

I don’t know then. Who are/were some prominent ones?

My mistake, Ryan. Even so, a compelling case.

Just do a search for ‘Lenin’.