Star Trek style holodecks --- The ultimate video game? Or the ultimate porn?

Thanks to Tapioca D for the idea.

Yes. I would choose: Redhead, human female, petite, hot.

For a game? Hmmm… Stormtroopers vs Orcs? Road Warrior? Madden’s 2387 NFL Extreem?

Scott Adams postulates in “The Dilbert Future” the human race will begin to die out when holodeck tech becomes a reality, since everyone will just boink their fantasy mate. I know I’ll be wasting a lot seed on a photonic blob shaped like Nicole Kidman.

For games, I’ve often wished for the commonly-shown holodeck program where you just are attacked by people/aliens and have to fight them off by hand. That would be a much more enjoyable workout than an exercise bike or treadmill.

There was a computer role-playing game put out by Sir-Tech, Bane of the Cosmic Forge.

This was several years ago and they haven’t come out with a Windows version, so I can’t play one of my favorite games.

I’d roll up some characters, play a mage myself, and head off for adventure.

That, or recreate some of my favorite novels…maybe some tall Scottish redhead from the Highlands, with me as a spunky brunette from WWII…cast back in time…

Sheesh, man, have you seen any video games lately? I don’t think there’s a difference anymore.

Porn. The Jeff Stryker module would b VERY popular.

Scott Adams is right. Once the nerds die off, there will be no one left to run the computers for the masses. Society will crumble in a Mad Max fashion, but women will outnumber men 10 to 1, so it will be more of a female dominated Mad Max.

Oh man…female domination! Me likie the future.

Porn has traditionally been an early adopter of new entertainment electronics technologies.

Dennis Miller once made the following observation about virtual reality technologies:
"You know, folks, the day an unemployed ironworker can lay in his Barcalounger with a Fosters in one hand and a channel flicker in the other and fck Claudia Schiffer for $19.95, it’s gonna make crack look like Sanka, all right?!"*

There was a Voyager episode where Tuvok starts going through his pon far. Since there were no female Vulcans around he had to make do with nailing a Holodeck recreation of his wife.

I think that’s the first time Trek has ever stated outright that people have sex on the Holodeck.

Well, there was the episode of TNG with the girl who adapted to the needs of males she met and was making the crew all randy, and after she met Riker, he was all “If you need me, I’ll be in the Holodeck!”

I think it’s been heavily implied that the holosuites at Quark’s are used for adult entertainment as well.

Wasn’t there a TNG Barcley inspired one where the crew went into one of Barcley’s programs to find them as how Barcley thought of them. Troi was the Goddess of Love.

Hmmm…ya think? Hell I would have.

Still, if I had one, I go one on two with the Duras sisters. Something about wild-monkey, oil, leather, blades, sex-beating with those two just sets the nipples afire.

Sure I may die, but whatta way to go.

Either that or Josie and the Pussycats.

Ooo and for fun…Shadowrun!

I’d immerse myself in a world where I had a job working as a tech guy, living off of package ramen and surfing the internet 24/7. It would be oh so Shakespearean and metafictive… :slight_smile:

Well, if it were spelled with two n’s, then it would be an anagram of “porn fan”… but I think there may be two r’s as well, in which case it would be “porn narf”…?

As has been brought up here before, what happens when you turn off the holodeck? How’d ya like to be the guy who cleans that place? :slight_smile:

The problem with boinking your favorite celebirity is that they would likely have likeness rights in the future, and unless they are porn stars, they probably dont want to get boinked by every male in the future.

For more discussion on this topic please rent Clerks: Deep Space Nine
Dante: I’m not even supposed to beam here today!

Use a public-domain celebrity, like Marie Antoinette or Helen of Troy. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but don’t ask Marie Antoinette for head.


I was thinking about the clean up on holodeck 4 earlier today too. But I figure, after a session of bumping uglies with the holo-ho’s, the…er…leftovers would get beamed harmlessly into space.

…and wind up splattered on the windshield of the starship flying thru the area.


“Damn birds!”

“Um, captain? There are no birds in space.”

“Then what’s tha…oh my God! Did someone remember to fill up the wiper fluid at the last starbase?”

There’s a reason that there’s a drain in the middle of the floor…