Star Trek--The Abridged Script

My favorite passage so far:

I wasn’t expecting that to be funny, but it was.

My favorite part:


Nice to meet you. I’m enlisting because my wife took everything in the divorce. All I’ve got left are my BOOOOONEEESSSS. Eh? Eh? Bones!


So, this movie’s official explanation for your nickname is basically that my character likes to incessantly remind you of your painful divorce. Wow, I really am an insufferable douchebag.

The site is blocked by my work filter, but based on the text so far pasted, I can’t say it’s doing much for me.

This is pretty funny.

The “hanging off ledges” parts kill me…

Heh, heh, heh. A fairly concise explanation of exactly why I thought the movie sucks. :smiley:

I laughed out loud several times reading that, thanks for sharing!