Star Trek: TNG -- The Best of Both Worlds -- why that title?

I saw that this episode of TNG is being released on Blu-Ray soon, and it got me wondering, how does the title relate to the plot at all? What are the “worlds” and, what is the “best” of them?

To me it seems like a great pair of episodes, but the title is just some phrase they slapped on there. Is there a story behind that?

I always assumed that the two “worlds” were human and Borg, and referred to Locutus, who had the most individuality of any Borg still part of the Collective that had been seen up to that point.

Probably the best of both worlds that Riker and Riker’s intended successor Shelby bring to conflict resolution and also how the Borg was able to use Picard’s knowledge followed by the humans using Locutus’s link to win their respective battles.

I never got the title either. I always felt this episode was overrated. It is very good, don’t get me wrong, but I could probably name 10 episodes I like more. Speaking mostly about Part 1 because it is generally agreed that Part 2 is somewhat of a let down.

I’ve thought of the “human vs. borg” as the two worlds, but the story isn’t really about finding the best of both of those as much as one world kicking the ass of the other. Picard didn’t end up saying, “you know, I really hated being a drone, but the eye laser thing is cool, I think I’ll keep it”.

“Riker vs. Shelby” might be a more fitting match for the title given their animosity in part 1, but that really isn’t dwelled upon much. I wouldn’t think they’d name an episode after a side plot, unless it was originally intended to be a bigger deal.

Locutus is intended by the Borg to be the best of both worlds.

The two worlds were Riker taking a command or staying on the Enterprise as first officer. The “best” of both worlds for Riker would of course be to get command of the Enterprise, which is what happens during the episode, albeit not in a way Riker would want.

I thought the Borg regarded THEMSELVES as representing the best of all the worlds they encounter.

Their philosophy was not “we are the perfect race, and therefore, we’re going to do you the favor making you just like us.” Rather, they thought that, through their brand of assimilation, they were improving their own race AND the race they absorbed.

Maybe the writers were just fans of Midnight Oil.

That’s right. Borg without Picard + Picard = better Borg.

That’s how I interpreted it. It’s all about the Riker.