Star wars Technology

Did anyone noticed that all the spaceships both in episode I and II appear to be more advanced that the Tie fighters and x- wing?

Well, considering that the movies were made over 20 years apart, and that the later movies (even though their timeframe is earlier) had vastly larger budgets, of course the ships and whatnot look better. Even with digital enhancement, there’s no way to keep an X-Wing from looking cheesy, unless you want to electronically erase it and start over with a CG model. I’ll bet George Lucas considered it at some point.

Putting mundane reality aside, one can easily argue that the X-Wings look crummy because they were being used by a ragtag rebellion with shaky funding that couldn’t afford cooler looking fighters.

The TIEs just look kinda silly, in any event.

The original trilogy took place in an era controlled by the Empire, which was the only organization that had any money. Things were built to be utilitarian, built on assembly lines, whereas the prequel trilogy era had a little more time and money on their hands. The human settlers of Naboo, for instance, where fairly well-to-do and took much pride in their sleek N-1 Starfighters and Nubian cruisers. But after Palpetine came to power, most of the money in the galaxy went into funding the Clone Wars and eventually the Emperor’s fleet.

We’ve already seen much of this transition in AotC, such as the Jedi Starfighter and much of the Clone army. In Episode III, I’m sure you’ll see much more of the clunky, dirty, utilitarian technology rather than stuff like the N-1 or Nubian chrome ship.

Don’t forget skin-lightening and brow implants. :smiley:

Actually, there’s a lot less money in the future because Darth Vader spends it all on Respirator Wax.
It’s true.

Not to mention, of course, that the N-1 is severely underpowered and undergunned compared to an X-Wing.

A 1930s club racer like the BeeGee is a gorgeous ship… but a good old P-51 will outfly, outclimb, and outshoot it, even if it looks like functional junk.