Stargate SG-1 22 June: Series Finale

I can think of two reasons. 1) They knew they were going to do a couple of movies, so didn’t feel the need to. or 2) Because they have another show in this series they were sort of trying to juggle both.

Personally, I was a bit surprised that they didn’t hook up. I mean, come on- they were stuck on the ship for 50 years. After all that time, just about anybody would start to look good. I like to think that Mitchell and Carter did at least become “buddies”, we just weren’t shown it happening.

Lightnin’, true enough … I’d assume that after so long (about a week), people’s “needs” start to present themselves, but I suppose Mitchell and Carter weren’t shown hooking up because they both thought they’d be getting out of that mess “any day now” and never thought they’d be stuck there for that long. Tough shit for Landry though, I guess. He seemed to have enough companionship from his floral friends. He always was a bit withdrawn in his personal life, it seems.

I’m also wondering why we didn’t see any babies from Daniel and Vala. I think it might have been a nice detail to show them finally having a real family, where neither of them could have one before. I figure if they were going for soap opera hokeyness, they could have seen it all the way through. Just imagine, a baby Jackson-Maldoran, cunning philologist and archaeological liberator of truth and ancient artifact … an interstellar Indiana Jones. The mind reels with spinoff possibilities! :smiley:

(Then again, the kid wouldn’t have survived the time reversal)

Ok, so why didn’t they just got to Earth? I mean, the Orii already know where Earth is, as 2 Priors have been there already. I assume there’s a reason the ships have not gone to earth is because they fear the Ancient weapon at the south pole, knowing it could destroy them and is heavily shielded. So the Odyssey should have simply jumped into hyperspace and completed the journey home.

Another fact they overlooked. From what I remember, Orilla is in a different galaxy (not Pegasus, not Orii, not Milky Way) and the only way for them to move between galaxies was a supergate. How would it even be possible for the Orii vessel to be tracking their unique Asgard power signiature across GALAXIES? Either there was a mole somewhere, or the writers seriously just decided “fuck it, the series is over anyhow, why worry about continuity”

I mean, if they were going to do that, Sam could have seduced Mitchell in a sexy neglige or something, at the very least (instead of, I assume, pining over not being able to see Jack again). Damn.

Would have been more fun if Mitchell seduced Sam in a sexy negligee.

There was a scene, after they became a couple, where Vala is leaning against the bed, crying, and Daniel’s comforting her. At first, I thought the scene implied that she’d just found out she was pregnant (or, possibly, had miscarried).

I thought it was a good ending for a season but not good enough for the series. Oh well at least we have movies to look forward to.

I loved at the very end how everyone says, “Indeed.” It made me chuckle and think, “HA! so how many ‘Indeeds’ is it now you ‘indeed-a-nerds’?”

Isn’t the count up near around 7,000 now? Of course, I don’t think that’s even half as many times as Walter’s said “Unscheduled offworld activation!” :smiley:

If by that you mean that whatsherface is nowhere close to sexy, I agree. I not only can’t stand to look at her, but she is by far the worst thing to ever happen to Stargate. There’s no way that it could ever be as good after Anderson left, but it might have been at least palatable if they hadn’t turned it into Fargate. Not only was Vala an extremely annoying character who added NOTHING to the show, but why the hell did they have to bring in another male leader for the team? Carter is a colonel, fercrisakes, why wasn’t she given command of SG-1?

Instead, not only does Carter get shafted – and the audience as well – with non-entity boring Crichton as the new leader, but annoying-as-hell Vala comes in and all the stories start focusing on her!

Cripes, I may be alone in this, but I am SO glad it’s ended.

Oh, and the series finale pretty much stunk. Nothing at all happened, nothing was tied up, and it had enough plot holes to drive the entire Ori fleet through. For example, they established early on that the Asgard tech could take out an Ori ship in three shots. So why did they keep running from the other two ships? Just shoot 'em and be done with it!!

Vala has a smokin’ hot body, and a face best suited for a paper sack. Not to be catty or anything, but that’s how I see it.

That’s what I said…Sam in a sexy negligee. I can’t beleive the best we’re going to get is the bra and panties scene in SG:Atlantis

Yeah, I’m assuming you’re talking about the one where Rodney is fantasizing about her being with him at the bottom of the ocean…
…that was a hot one, and I could do with a lot more of that…

No I meant Mitchell [in a sexy negligee] seducing Sam. It would be fun, anyway.

I had wondered about which galaxy they were in too. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me…shrug…but like someone said, I think they just said ‘fuck it’.

Personally I’m still wondering what happens in the next 50 years to make stargate travel obsolete. I’ve been waiting since that time travel episode to find out why the SG-1 was shut down and abandoned when they went to the future accidently.

Finally got around to seeing it. It wasn’t bad, considering that they didn’t know it was the series finale when they made it.

I for one loved the Daniel/Vala thing. In my view, they’ve had some serious URST since her first episode, when they had that weird S&M relationship in fighting over the ship. It was very clear the writers were stomping on any suggestion of another Ben/Claudia pairing, and instead steering her toward Daniel. And I thought their scene was really well written: she doesn’t want to look vulnerable, so she clothes her advance in the “I’m a flibertigibbet, and I’m just bored” pose, and he likes her, but would only want a real relationship, not recreation, so winds up in this weird, defensive (and really insulting!) ramble that nevertheless manages to bring up the idea of a relationship between them.

As for kids, I wondered, but then I figured I wouldn’t have kids in that situation (plus it would have made the decision to turn back time too wrenching, plotting-wise). If the Asgard computer can make cellos and food, it can obviously make condoms or birth control pills. (And I reckoned if Sam and Cam didn’t hook up, they must have independently synthesized some other products for personal use.)

Oh, and while I agree that the Asgard suicide was the most rushed plot element I’ve ever witnessed, the hyperdrive/Earth thing is not a plot hole. The reason they couldn’t just go to Earth was the hyperdrive was broken and wouldn’t make it. That’s why they kept dropping into regular space - to try to fix it (and disconnect it from the Asgardware). Early in the time bubble, Sam fixed the hyperdrive, but then discovered they didn’t have time to drop the bubble and engage it.

What I found funny was I remember one interview with Amanda Tapping where she was talking about being nervous doing her first nude scene (it’s where the replicator Sam first walks out of the wall). So then the episode airs, and I’m thinking “What the fuck?” Why did she have to actually be naked for that scene? They didn’t show enough to really warrent her actually having to be nude. I figure that the directors or RDA had just worked with her long enough that they wanted to see her naked, so worked it into the script. :cool:

Oh yeah, I meant to say the question of why Sam wasn’t made the commander is a really good one, but outside the constructed reality of the show, I’d guess it’s because Amanda Tapping was pregnant or contemplating it at the time.

I think it’s a matter of, she is too useful to be made leader. She and Jackson (if he were military proper) are too valuable for their specific skill sets to distract them with the extra burdens of a leadership role.

The reason Cam and Sam didn’t hook up was because she hooked up with T’ealc. Indeed.
I don’t care what anyone says about Claudia Black, she may not be as young as her IMDB bio would claim, but when she smiles… damn. I am grinning back like a fool. :smiley: ← Exactly like that :slight_smile:

Hear hear, Prefect! There are actually people with the nerve to bash Claudia Black? I compare my reaction more to that feeling I used to get when I’d climb the rope in gym class, though.

I’ve always felt Angelina Jolie was miscast as Lara Croft. Claudia was born to play her … she’s got the accent and attitude, and knows how to properly sport a firearm. :smiley: