2006 is quickly coming to a close and it was a very busy year for the Maven family: Mouse_Spouse and I married, we went on several camping trips (one with my niece and nephew!
), and a wonderful honeymoon in London and Edinburgh (my first trip out of the country!
The Mouse Pad has pictures, souvenirs and momentos from all of these activities. Scrapbooking looks like a good way to organize and present all of these treasures.
The challange: I’m about as artistic as an Australopithecus. Is there any good resources for starting this hobby?
All I know about it I learned from Dead Like Me. Scrapbooking should not be all pictures. There should be nicky-knacky things in there.
How about:
I guess you could head over to your local scrapbook store, or your local Creative Memories consultant, and take an introductory class. If you dislike all the extra embellishment, you can just ignore those parts (shouldn’t be too much in an intro class anyway!). There will also be evenings offered where you just sit around with other people and work on getting stuff done–they’re usually called crop parties AFAIK, and you can use the dealer’s tools. Have fun!
I misread the OP as “starting a new hubby”, and figured that the “where to begin” advice was going to be pretty juicy.
Well, Spouse and I married in May.
We’re still in the Learning Each Other phase.