Starvin': come get delusional in here...

As opposed to wasting my time responding to this deranged post by well-known righttard, shit-for-brains, SD member, Starving Artist, I thought it best to let reality hit him straight in the face and ears. Lobotomy notwithstanding, perhaps some of it will get through.
The following exchange took place in the program hosted by the noted liberal, Joe Scarborough and aptly named “Scarborough Country”:

PRESIDENT BUSH: Determined or Delusional

Take a look and afterwards let us know who’s the one completely out of touch with reality.

Besides you of course. Double Royal asshole.

Nice show he performed in the other thread! See how deftly he avoided touching the 3 examples I mentioned of clear recent conservative bias.

Oh, really?

But he may weasel out by mentioning he was referring to past decades not the current state, well:

That was just an excerpt of the now classic documentary *Spin * by Brian Springer in the early 90’s

See how the “liberal media” tells people what to say or omit to make the “common current wisdom” prevail.

Check how a historian from the Cherokee nation is not given airtime for daring to mention what an ass Columbus was.

See how a surgeon is chastised for implying that lack of universal health care is a problem in poor areas in LA

See how reporters just ask to then candidate Pat Roberson “how high we should jump for you” in not reporting or mentioning other views on abortion rights when even republican groups at the same time were complaining against the extreme position the party had taken against abortion.
But overall the fact does remain: conservatives can find some whoppers similar to those examples that show liberal bias, the fact that both the left and the right can point at examples shows to me the mainstream media does make an effort to be fair, the biggest complaint I have is that with the current administration they have been more than fair. They were caught in bed with it. (Plame affair, WMDs and lets go to war in Iraq) The bottom line is that it remains a peculiar thing to insist that the mainstream is liberal when liberals do indeed complain against it constantly.

Since I’d started three threads just in the past three months about biased and slanted media political coverage, I decided to chime in and mention them. Plus a link to the Daily Howler.

All of the rolleye smileys in the world combined could not adequately convey my extreme disrespect for this “logic”.