States of mind in transition to sleep

I was looking around for a thread on whether anybody ever dreams in black and white (I don’t, and everybody I’ve asked who can see color when awake says they dream exclusively in color). While I haven’t found one yet, I ran across this one from January, which I think is a lot more interesting (if too short).

The OP was asking about this sensation of… well, I was gonna summarize it, but Pygmy Rugger really does describe it better than I can:

The thread’s about four months old, but I’m hoping to revive the discussion because I have that experience too. It’s not exactly a dream; it’s thoughts expressed as clear language, and it usually feels very similar to when I’m writing a story. I usually think it’s coherent, and suspect that these thoughts actually are sensible enough to post, say, on this message board. But in nearly every instance I forget the content entirely when I become fully awake. In fact, the only way I ever can remember this stuff is if it transitions into a full dream, as it sometimes does.

One other feature of the experience, at least as it occurs to me: I’m not aware that I’m actually asleep (that happens too, even in non-dream sleep, but it’s another topic), falling asleep, half-awake, transitioning, or whatever I want to call it. I’d go so far as to say that I forget, in this state, that there are any other kinds of experience at all. There have been a number of times, in fact, where I have a thought along the lines of, “…oh, and obviously this is what eternity is like.” That’s a startling enough thought to make me wake up all the way and wonder, “What the hell else was I thinking, though? Seemed interesting at the time. Oh well… zzzzzzz.”

FWIW, yes, I have used hallucinogens in the past. And no, it’s been over eight years. And interestingly (to me at least), I didn’t begin to have this sort of experience until shortly after my first trip (but on the other hand, after my first trip, I no longer had hypnopompic hallucinations… weird, huh?).

Anyhow, cmon folks, if any of this rings a bell, please give… I’d love to see more on this than only a couple of posts this time around. Part of the entertainment, I think, is writing about a subject such as “what it is like to be asleep” without sounding like you’ve fallen off your rocker.

I started a thread a couple of weeks ago in GQ about disturbed sleep and learned that what I’m experiencing is a hypnogogic hallucination (hypnompic, technically, since mine occur when I’m waking).

While I don’t see letters, I sure as heck have the other experience you describe of not being aware I’m asleep.

It’d say it’s distinct from a hypnopompic or 'gogic hallucination. I used to have those too (usually auditory, but the visual ones were what made my skin crawl). The content is entirely text; no images at all. In my case, there’s not even an image of the text, if you can, eh, picture that.

At the risk of hijacking my own thread… I couldn’t find a thread about whether anyone dreams in black and white. I’m sure there is one out there… any kind souls point me in the right direction?

I also regularly experience viewing text as I fall asleep. I couldn’t tell you what any of it says.

I also tend to see faces of people I don’t recognize.

I’m going to give this one more go to see if there are any biters since I’ve always been very interested in sleep and dreaming. Back in college I took a Psych 101 type class and remember covering hypnogogic “illusion” briefly. I’ve always thought that this was an entirely inadequate description of a poorly understood phenomena. I’d also like to further explore why there seem to be many common themes in dreams that are experienced widely. See thread What is the Most Common Bad Dream on the Dope? I’m not ready to dismiss it as cultural symbolism.