I like to think I can look up games at Mac software sites, but come on, can the situation be as grim as it appears?
I have Call of Duty 4, I have Civ 4. Are there any other worthwhile games for the Mac out there?
I will be in the States until 20 August. I suspect new games will come out starting on 21 August.
If you run Windows on an Apple computer, does that mean you can run Windows games?
Steam now carries mac games which is probably the greatest thing to happen to mac gaming since you guys got 2 mouse buttons. It doesn’t mean that all games will be mac compatable of course, developers need to spend the time to make mac versions, but with a popular and profitable distribution service available now, it will encourage more developers to do just that.
There are 100 games listed on that steam mac page as of now, and some of them pretty damn good ones. It will grow.
Yes, Windows is Windows, no matter the hardware. The iMacs and Mac Pros are surprisingly good at it, actually, considering their relatively ho-hum video cards. I’ve not tried it much on a laptop, but even most PC laptops are pretty anemic for games…
As for on-OS X games, the darkness has lifted a little lately with Steam, and (almost?) all of Blizzard’s stuff runs on it, but if you want to run any reasonable percentage of first-run or A-list games, you pretty much have to run Windows. Which for many Mac users is just a reboot, so not a big deal.
Before there was Steam, we did have Civ 4, Quake 3, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament, Halo, Sims, all of Blizzard’s titles etc - essentially any title that went gold.
Since Steam has arrived, we have seen many of Valve’s games come across (and they have said that all of their back catalog will be available eventually, plus all future releases will be Mac+Windows from the start). Hopefully other publishers who are using Steam will also start to provide Mac versions.
The most amusing thing is Half Life 2 - the game Valve themselves said “would never” be ported to the Mac - I have been playing it native on OS X since it was released on Steam a few weeks back.