I am Blinking duck…
and I am a Steam Junkie…
Is there anyway I can freeze Steam in a block of Ice so that it takes hours to unthaw before I can buy a game off it?
I am Blinking duck…
and I am a Steam Junkie…
Is there anyway I can freeze Steam in a block of Ice so that it takes hours to unthaw before I can buy a game off it?
Wouldn’t that just be frozen?
It’s just another $5… it’s just another $5… it’s just another $5… it’s just another $5…
I too hate when services provide me with products I want with an irresistable price. Woe.
I suggest running out of money. That ought to freeze your purchases quite effectively.
I just scored me some free Portal earlier in the week. I know that the next taste is going to cost me tho…
Hi, my name is Zebra and I’m a cheap bastard.
(hi Zebra)
I love steam.
Move to Euroland, where everything is priced in Euros with the same amount, and hence 20-25% more expensive (I know, I know, has been brought up before, but the stupidity of it still stings…)
Well…I hear the Euro is going down so maybe this will go away
Hot water heater’s might help here.