Stephen Curry is a moon landing denier

Backpedaling faster than he ever has on defense now, isn’t he?

What would be sweet is if NASA could arrange for one of astronauts who actually landed on the moon to be there when Curry visits…

How many real conspiracy theorists say it was a joke a day or so later?
I bet Steph would love meeting one of the few of them that are left. Maybe NASA could sign him up to do pr for them. That would be awesome.

To be fair, I did call Stephan Curry and asked him for permission to land on the moon and he said no.

You can at least see why someone might think the Moon landing was fake.

Even worse, Kyrie Irving is a flat-earther, which is 100x more moronic because all you have to do is get in an airplane and see that’s not true.
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Sure. It has to be one or the other, right? That’s fifty-fifty!

Actually, I cannot see how anyone might think the Moon landing was fake.

They didn’t have airplanes way back when it was first determined that the Earth is not flat. Flat Earth touts are equally as stupid as Moon landing deniers.

I have no reason to doubt Steph Curry when he says he was joking. He’s shown no sign in the past of being either an idiot or a jerk. His explanation is that the moon landing comment was one silly thing in a podcast full of silly things, including stuff like speculation about what dinosaurs sounded like. He probably should have anticipated that people would take him seriously, especially considering that Kyrie Irving (another NBA star) actually seems to believe that the earth is flat. Misjudging how the public will react is not the same as holding an idiot belief.

They’re all morons.

Fuck off, troll.

I can. I mean, I believe we landed on the moon, but there are enough oddities that unless you look at the explanations for them, are pretty compelling.

I’ve always dismissed the CT out of hand primarily because hiding it this long would be impossible. The Russians could have and would have officially and loudly called us out on it.

You realize Kyrie Irving is a basketball player currently alive, not some guy from before airplaines?

Is he a big Terry Pratchett fan???

It’s not just kids. *Everyone * looks up to basketball players.

I’ll say. I was watching a ST:TNG episode and they had brought onboard a Klingon Captain that was a head higher than Worf. Turned out to be James Worthy.

I believe Curry’s information came from noted pilot Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.



As an astrophysicist, he’s a helluva basketball player.

What’s our clearance, Clarence?

Horseshit. There are no oddities at all.

The primary reason to dismiss the CT is that it is unadulterated nonsense completely lacking any resemblance to science.

Please tell me you’re having me on.

That sounds like some old re-purposed “teach the controversy” bullshit.

All these clowns are either stupid, or flat out lying. Hard to tell which.