Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" Saga continues....

In comics: Link

I am glad to hear this. I am very excited that the Dark Tower story is continuing, as it is one of my favorite sagas. I am also thrilled at the exposure this will give to comics.

Because no-one has ever heard of comics? It’s not like they make big budget movies about comic book characters or anything…

I wasn’t clear. I’m talking about exposure to people who read novels exclusively and do not buy comics. It’s possible (likely, even) that this news will prompt some folks to go to a comic store who don’t usually go. While they are there, they may pick up some additional comics, or buy some for their children.

Well, despite not likeing the last two Dark Tower books very much at all, I’m enough of a sucker to get these things. Dammit.

I couldn’t be more thrilled. I think the art completely catches the spirit of the books, and hopefully we’ll get to see more from cuthbert and pals too. I loved Wizard and Glass, so my hope is that events will pick up soon after.

Also, I can’t remember… had he been on his quest for the Tower even at this stage in his life? Before the battle at Jericho Hill?


Damn. Here I’d hoped it would be, say, a re-write of the last book in the series. One that, you know, had good connection with the other books.

Am I the only one that got the feeling he got to the final one and say, “Holy crap! I have to wrap all this up, and I have NO idea how!”

RF’s fate really, REALLY pissed me off.

How exciting! I’ll be there to snatch up the first copy.

Obviously you don’t read a lot of Stephen King. I don’t read everything he writes, or even most of what he writes, but his trademark is absolutely awesome character development, and completely limp-dick endings.

So no, I was not surprised that the ending sucked.

I actually liked the ending of the Dark Tower. Besided It, it’s the only one he wrote that really resounded with me.

I thought the ending rocked! It gave him a chance to get it right next time.

You are in luck. According to this article, the story will take place shortly after Wizard and Glass. Check out the article for more information!