stereotypes of states

No, no, no!

Neurotik has it right. Arizona has the crappiest drivers.


–scout, resident of the “fruit & nut” state

That reminds me of another one - Southern hospitality! :smiley:

Hmm, I’ve never driven in Arizona so I can’t dispute that, but I find it hard to believe that anything could be worse than I-5 in the L.A. area during one of SoCal’s rare and brief rain storms.

Utter chaos.

I forget who said it first, but I love it: “South Carolina is too small for a country and too large for an insane asylum.”

North Carolina is famous for being “a vale of humility between two mountains of conceit,” i.e., South Carolina and Virginia

Oh, okay. You add a variable like “rain” (and by rain, I mean more than about 1 drop of water falling from the sky) and things do get completely FUBAR.

But let me just say this: in California, it is generally LEGAL to make a right turn on red. Y’all know who you are…

No darlin, Speakin as a native the stereotype is that there are NO non-Mormons here…

holds up hand and looks around… well I CANT be the ONLY one!!!

Moreover…it is ILLEGAL to make a left turn from the far right lane. I have seen no less than 4 cars with 'zonie plates do this in San Diego. I have NEVER seen anyone else do it, either in CA or DC. WTF? When I told this to my Phoenixian coworker a few days ago, her reply was “Yeah, I’m not surprised at all.”

Don’t go trick-or-treating in Louisiana.

Outside of Detroit, where everybody is either burning down houses or cowering in some ultra-upscale gated community, seems like most folks in Michigan are fanatic about deer hunting, snowmobiling, deer hunting, militias, deer hunting, towns with German themes, deer hunting, fishing, and deer hunting.

Did I say deer hunting?

All Tennesseans love country music. Aaarrrgggghhh! It’s actually Gospel music and Montovanni.

Wow… With all the California people weighing in already, I totally expected all the stereotypes about CA would have been represented, but there is one that sticks out in my mind I either over looked or it wasn’t mentioned yet.

California, the cereal state - made up of fruits and nuts. I wish I had a penny for every time I heard that while I lived in Utah since I had no choice put to admit being from CA. Frankly, I never found it offensive. Rather, I saw it as a compliment, since I really value the diversity and indiviuallity (sp) found here.

Speaking of Utah, this stereotype originally referred to BYU, but over the years it has become more state wide. The way I first heard it was: BYU (Brigham Young University in Provo, UT) = Cal State Provo. Later on, it had several variations, but the one I remember best is: Utah, a burb of California.

Hey, if ya can’t laugh at ya self, what’s left


The part about Detroit was pretty true about 10-15 years ago, though not so much anymore. The part about outstate though, was dead on.

oh and fusoya, what is this soda of which you speak?

**California - ** Being an Ex-Californian (not by choice) I am certain that they aren’t nearly as different as everyone else, except I think they are much less uptight. Oh yeah, and Liberal.

**Ohio - ** Boring farmers who are more conservative than Rush Limbaugh.

**Texas - ** According to SuperTramp, Everyone is a millionaire.

Psssssssssssssst…NYC has five boroughs already.

If you’re interested in purchasing Staten Island, though, I can cut you a quite attractive deal.

Here in South Carolina, where we often place 48th or 49th in various categories: literacy rates, education, infant mortality, etc., we always reply, "thank goodness for Mississippi! South Carolinians also take ridiculous pride in being the first state to ‘secede’ from the Union in the War of Northern Aggression

Other stereotypes: Texans are loud and always take disproportionate pride in being the only state that was once its own nation, also they all have horses and oil wells in their backyards; people from Montana are all right-wing extremists, members of local militia, and suspicious of any actions or representatives of the Federal Government.

I resemble that remark, flahtlahndah.


Originally from New Hampshire

Nebraska "Where “n” stands for knowledge.

Welcome to North Dakota mountain removal project complete.

South Dakota the more tropical of the dakotas.

“Other stereotypes: Texans are loud and always take disproportionate pride in being the only state that was once its own nation, also they all have horses and oil wells in their backyards”

It is always fun to be able to answer "yes to all those questions when someone is asking me about the stereotypes of Texans.

Pennsylvania…doesn’t really exist.

I thought that was Delaware.

Or maybe New Jersey (it’s not a state, it’s adjoining suburbs from Philly and NYC!).