stereotypes of states

For California:

  • all of us surf
  • most of us are blond
  • we are vegetarian
  • we spend all of our time at the beach

Oklahomans love football, will race someone to be the first one at a four-way stop only to let the other driver go first, are ultra-conservative, refer to all carbonated soft drinks as “Coke”, and everyone in the Yukon area knows or knows/knew someone who knew Garth Brooks. The same refers to Edmond (replace Garth Brooks with Shannon Miller), Midwest City (insert Vince Gill, Toby Keith), ad nauseam.

this sounds like a fun thread…I’m from Connecticut and have spent signifigant time in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Colorado, Texas and California, so those are the only states I can really speak of first hand…

Maine - nature lovers, cut off with rest of the world and the present

Vermont - think about nothing but skiing

New Hampshire - wishes it was Maine and Vermont

Massachusetts - worst drivers – Massholes

Connecticut - rich snobs

Rhode Island - everyone’s a farmer or mafia

New York - thinks their center of the world

Florida - place for old people go to die

Texas - love guns, hate gays

Mississippi/Alabama/Arkansas/Oklahoma/Louisiana/South Carolina - hate blacks

Michigan - love to call soda Pop

Iowa - sex-urged farmers

Colorado - hippies

Utah - hates non-Mormons

California - think they’re the center of the world

nothing really comes to mind for me for the other states. Hope I didn’t offend too many people

:sigh: I miss Oklahoma.


Yeah. :rolleyes: Just what we need more of around here. Look, just *stay out * of Mississippi, OK? We kinda like for it to stay friendly here. Shoo.

Don’t you mean horns?

I read an article in The Economist recently that characterized Texas as an ultra-America. The argument was, that anything that the world finds destinctive about America is manifest to the nth degree in Texas.

For instance:

We’re loud, obnoxious, polluting, “tame-the-land,” environment-be-damned, never-say-die, capitalist, gung-ho, don’t-mess-with-us, arrogant, creative, and open.

Darn tootin! :stuck_out_tongue:

Second-worst drivers: New Jersey. Worst drivers: Florida (they’re all New Jerseyans who moved to Florida and are now old, tiny, reflex-slowed, and senile).

I’ve lived in both states (as well as Wisonsin, Iowa, and California) and can assure you that this is a statement of fact, and not a stereotype.


Florida is NYC’s 5th burrough, Longer Island.

In the OKC, we have two major aerodromes named after celebrities who died in the same aircraft accident.

Will Rogers World Airport

Wiley Post Airport

And we have no problem with the irony.

Texas. It’s like a whole other country.

Ya know, I know Garth Brooks… well ok, I met him… well ok, I saw him at a local restaurant and went over to him to say Hi. He was friendly enough…

*Originally posted by twickster47 *
Second-worst drivers: New Jersey. Worst drivers: Florida (they’re all New Jerseyans who moved to Florida and are now old, tiny, reflex-slowed, and senile).

This is so incredibly true. I just realized the other day that my first instinct when I come across a crazy driver is to think “Damn geriatric bastard” before I even catch a glimpse of the driver. 9 times out of 10 I’m spot on.

My hubby’s from Michigan, and as far as I can tell all they do up there is drink beer and shoot bucks. And drink more beer.

I recently moved to Arizona. Anyone got a stereotype for Arizona???

The word “Stereotype” suggests observing something from two angles. What a freakin’ misnomer.

People from Arizona sleep with their pet lizards. Not in the sexual way, you perverts. Like a teddy bear. Teddy lizard?

When I read the post about Alabama being the worst I said to myself “No, theres that one other state I can’t remember that is worse”. Mississippi.

Are there any stereotypes about South Carolina? The only one I can think of is it being filled with northerners, and where I live probably half the population is from somewhere else far away.

Well, Arizona was O.K. once.

But ever since you arrived, it kinda went downhill. :smiley:

I’m from Southern California. You guys can’t drive worth crap. My coworker from Phoenix just confirmed this for me.

As for Maryland, mhendo, the better version is given by Jon Stewart - Maryland, the place that combines the industrial blight of the north with the casual racism of the south.

Does not! If we had our way we wouldn’t have to deal with people from other states, nevermind wanting to be more like people from them- 'sides they’re outnumbered by cows and lobsters, what’s the fun in that? You know the [sub]un[/sub]offical NH motto, don’t you? " Go away and leave us the hell alone."

Incest is rampant in Arkansas. See sig:

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

Hoo boy, stereotypes abound for so many states. I hadn’t heard some of these and I’m not sure if I’m worried more that these stereotypes exist (they usually start with some basis in fact) or that most posters aren’t listing them as stereotypes, but fact.

Having moved out to the Northwest from the East I’ve had some of my own innocently and unconsciously held stereotypes proven wrong through exerience.

Believe it or not, Idaho is more than one big potato farm.

Montana is more than open land for bison to roam, and though both these states gained notoriety for harboring neo-nazi white supremacists and militant anti-government weapon-hoarders, the vast majority of the residents are in fact, mostly normal.

Not a stereotype so much as an common misconception, it really doesn’t rain in Washington all the time. It surely rains on the western coast often enough, but the eastern side is actually quite pleasant, climate wise.

Having grown up in NJ I was exposed to many of the East’s stereotypes as well, that New Jersey smells funny being foremost in my mind, and having been to Newark, I couldn’t refute that.

Seems to me that many Easterners (read: Northerners) believe that West Virginians are a little too fond of their farm animals, Kentucky has the reputation for incestuous activities, and Alabama,** Mississippi**,** Louisiana** and Tennessee are widely considered the most backwards, illiterate people around.

The stereotype I’m closest to believing as fact is that California has the worst drivers.

Yes, I live in Arkansas, and no, I am not a hillbilly, hick, redneck, or KKK member. Yes, I have running water. No, I don’t know anyone that married their cousin. No, I don’t eat roadkill.
I have eaten squirrel. I didn’t like it; too stringy.