StLouis: snowy doom approaches

The in-depth weather report last night said the models were calling for between 2 and 14 inches in Chicago. Well, thanks a lot! That’ll really help me plan my day.

I was working in Chesterfield this AM, and all of our customer’s employees were asking me what it’s like outside. BRRRRRRRRRR!

Incidentally, since you work over in Sauget, you wouldn’t happen to work for Afton Chemical, would you? (If so, I hate you!) :wink:

Weather prediction is not a science. It is a Black Art.

I strongly believe random number generators are used by the Chicago weather forecasters. Remember, “We were lucky, it missed us!!” really means “my forecast sucked.”

No, I couldn’t do better, but believe in my God given right to bitch about the weather and those paid millions to predict it.

The roads weren’t slick this morning so I had to go to work. On my way home around 2 pm, it started sleeting. Now, an hour later, it’s white outside from the frozenness. My mom works in Westport in STL and her work was closed today. If it snows as much as it’s supposed to, I won’t be able to make it to class tomorrow. Darn.

It’s hit here too. It iced over last night, and now it’s snowing. That is uncommon for this part of Kansas. Dandelions in December is more common. Drive carefully everyone, and keep warm!

Hmmm, TWC’s map forecast isn’t as detailed as the National Weather Services map. Here is their forecast for myarea! (Montgomery County) Sheesh. Everyone stay safe!

That would be it. don’t tell.

Man, all this talk of St Louisians’ snowy doom is making me homesick! :frowning: The best part of winter was the few hours before a snowstorm approached, and all the “dramaqueening” about it. And my family’s attitude of “well, if we’re going to die in a snowstorm, we may as well get some Imo’s before it happens…”


Say what?

They were wanting to commit suicide quickly, so as to avoid the insanity at the grocery stores trying to buy milk and bread.

Imo’s pizza, a vile concoction of cardboard-like crust, provel cheese (like provelone turned velveeta), and the greasiest pork products to be found.

St.Louians have been deluded into thinking this, and slingers, are good food.

Lightray, even your description of it sounds surprisingly appetizing … sure, it was shit pizza, but it was our shit pizza, y’know?

That settles it. I am making toasted rav for dinner tonight. Arteries be damned! I need some St Louis food!

Get yourself a good Aussie lager to wash it down. But don’t forget to add a quart or two of water so it’ll taste like Bud Light.

Ouch. Former Imo’s worker and Bud Light lover here. :frowning:

It’s sleeting again here in Columbia. They’re still saying 8"+ of snow tonight. Whatev - I just want a good excuse to skip class tomorrow, I feel like crap.

Just wanted to record for posterity that the Snowy Doom of November 30, 2006 knocked out power late that night for 500,000 people in the Midwest, about 18,000 of whom in my area still don’t have power. They are calling it the Worst Storm In Decatur’s History; trees everywhere were pruned as with giant pruning shears, downed power lines were left lying around in the streets with their attendant piles of mangled tree limbs for the first few days, as AmerenIP simply didn’t have the manpower to cope with a weather disaster of that magnitude.

I’m one of the lucky ones (she said grimly)–my power came back on at suppertime tonight, making it just a tad under a solid week that we were living with candles, flashlights, and the heat from a gas stove.

We just got power back after a week of outage. My house has branches all around it, it looks like a disaster. A branch fell on our front porch roof, punching a hole in it and missing my bedroom window by inches. My family is just thanking God it wasn’t any worse and there wasn’t damage done to the house itself. We’re running all the taps because it’s supposed to get down to ten degrees and we don’t want the pipes to freeze. Last I heard, there have been seven deaths attributed to the storm so far, mostly from carbon monoxide poisoning. People were running generators in their houses.

I’m not so much of a fan of winter as I used to be. The worst part was the first night, sitting there by candlelight, listening to the crack of the branches breaking and the boom of them falling, scared to death one of the big ones would come through the roof.

I heard on the radio this morning that there are still about 9800 people without power. I also heard that there is going to be an investigation into how Ameren handled this power outage. Not sure on the details though.

Also, Emo’s sucks. It tastes like they threw a bunch of those plastic-wrapped cheese slices all over what could have been an edible pizza. I do like toasted ravioli, though I wasn’t aware that it was a St. Louis thing originally. I had it a few times before I moved here.