Stories In Six Words

I was very amused by these six word story contests in Wired Magazine, but probably Dopers could do better?

To prove it, tell a story in six words about life during the time of Covid.

Kids were cyberschooled, not shot dead.

Admitted to ER, not for Covid.

Vaxxed, boosted, masked, gloved, staying home.

Admitted to ER 5/6/2020, very surreal.

My workplace did this pre-Covid. We all got to speak on the mic what we do in 6 words.

My favorite was George, who worked in video production. Management wanted to try out a new learning method for our courses called “Nano learning,” where instead of having to read entire chapters out of manuals and being tested afterwards, users would be able to take shorter courses for less credits. George was assigned to the program, but concept couldn’t equal development, and it eventually died a quiet death.

George got up there with a confused look on his face and said into the mic, “What the hell is Nano learning?”

“No vax, Doc!”

“Help, can’t breathe!”

Mask wearing. Binge watching. Day drinking.

West meets East?
“Needs: paper, yeast”

Don’t worry. Trump said it’s nothing.

Stayed home. Don’t like people anyway.

Another epidemic strain!
Contagious? Dangerous?

Here’s a picture story in 6 words (If you leave out the phone number)

Redundant? Pivot and rebuild, then rehired.

Where are spirits? Talk to myself.

Won’t get jabbed!
Hmmm…can’t breathe…

Barrel goes under chin…
Squeeze trigger… .

Endless strains
Masking A Pain?

Stop me if you’ve heard this…

If nobody says COVID ever again…