Storm Warnings

I know you are making a funny but this shit is starting to get personal. We have the equipment to handle the snow in Massachusetts but there is no where else to put it. I am head of IT for a manufacturing facility that makes and distributes body parts for the whole U.S. and the world. If we get shut down because the roof collapses, guess what, Aunt Edna isn’t going to get a new hip after falling on ice but, more importantly, I can’t go to sleep until those services are restored. We already had power outages twice in the past three weeks and it takes me and two other people 8 hours to restart the facility after that happens.

Screw this. I hate it all. Humans are a tropical species and we aren’t meant to live in snow or ice. It isn’t natural. I saw a hunter-gatherer African tribe in National Geographic that I am probably distantly related to one way or another. They have the right idea. Not a fucking snowflake in sight. I could just rejoin them. I am going to watch The Shining now on Netflix and come up with plan. I hear the word redrum echoing through the walls.