norinew, we both love sausage and pasta so that sounds great! We will have to send someone into Sam’s. We are probably the only people in the world who don’t qualify. Is this sauce mix sold elsewhere – like Kroger? And yes, we do have a microwave – 2nd hand of course. How else can I have “my specialty” – Stouffer’s mac and cheese. Pity my poor grandchildren. No slow cooker though.
EddyTeddyFreddy, I really want to try this because we don’t have fish very often and aren’t getting enough mercury. I’ll bet this is really good with salmon! I love anything with sundried tomatoes. I feel a trip to Wild Oats coming.
Patty O’Furniture, I had thought about the toaster oven, but my husband is the sort that if I ever decided that I wanted to actually replace the dead full-sized built in oven, he would say that I already have a perfectly good toaster oven. Gr-r-r-r.
mambocrow, I like chili with beans, and I was hoping that someone would include a good chili recipe. I don’t think cayenne pepper comes in dashes though. And did you mean to leave out the chocolate? (I’m a big fan of Cincinnati chili and that is one of their secret ingredients. Don’t tell.) Your recipe will serve 6 normal people or the two of us. THANKS!!
WhyNot, bingo! We have been known to drive two hundred miles roundtrip to try out what is rumored to be the best porkchops in the South. (PattI’s or Patty’s in Kentucky) I will try both of these. The second one sounds a little weird, but my man loves peaches too and I like the sweet and savory combination.
Chefguy, do you have a stove top recipe for marsala that is fairly easy? I get so desperate for the flavor that I have been known to buy frozen microwavable chicken marsala at Wild Oats and from a local Indian import store. It is one of the few ways that I can tolerate chicken.
Ukulele Ike, since I don’t cook much, I seldom read recipe threads except the weird snack and sandwich variety. So thank you very much for posting that title again. My favorite cookbook is a booklet that tells how to bake a potato and boil an egg. It’s called The College Kid’s Cookbook and came out in the 1960’s or 1970’s. I won a cornbread baking contest when I was ten and after that, my mother wouldn’t let me in the kitchen except to set the table and clean up. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
CrazyCatLady, if I send you a self-addressed stamped package of of dry ice, will you send me lemon-herb chicken?
John Carter of Mars, how did you get my family recipe? I love Italian cooking, don’t you? Sometimes I just make the bread and butter.
Susan, when I was single, I used to make that chicken and mushroom soup recipe for myself – but in the oven. I’d never thought of trying in on the stove! Cool!