Straight Dope Staff

My dream, ever since I was a little boy… well, not quite that long, but ever since i first saw the SD mailbag appear, has been to get on the SDSAB. I sent Little Ed a question as to how to accomplish this but he wasn’t to clear. Anybody out there with a clue?

Sincerely, SDStaff hopeful

“Many are called, but few are chosen.”

Seriously, we do put a call out for staffers from time to time, we’re just all full up right now, is all.

Watch this board; when we need people, we advertise.

One of the things we look at when we vet prospective staffers is their participation on the board, so being an active poster with good things to say works in your favor.

your humble TubaDiva/SDStaffDiv
for the Straight Dope

Bad juju helps, too.

And there is that all important emolument: remember nothing says “I really want to work here” more than a nicely wrapped box of tens and twenties.

My address on request.

your humble TubaDiva/SDStaffDiv
for the Straight Dope

You also might want to avoid having a controversial nickname…

Brian O’Neill
CMC International Records

ICQ 35294890
AIM Scrabble1
Yahoo Messenger Brian_ONeill

ooooooo i’m gonna play nick.

this post belongs in “questions about this board” (i’m rehearsing for when I work here) i would think it would help not to poke fun at the mods. and maybe if i could spell… or if i used caps once in a while (i’m just lazy)


My vote is for Contestant #3.

One beer is less than two beers.

Beer… dood. Am I to assume you’re on friendly terms with the Infidel and he will find that comment amusing?

That one went over my head.

Contestant #3

Gee, can people understand a joke?

One beer is less than two beers.

I am curious what other professions the SD staff, have or had before they explored this one.
Anybody know?

If I had to guess, I would guess, journalists, writers, researchers (duh), but that’s just my guess. Reading this site makes me think there must be a scientist or two.

What’s the Staight Dope?

We’re a mixed bag, folks that Ed and Cecil have accumulated over the years from one spot or another. A few of us have actual professions that are relevant to some of the questions we get – such as Doug, the bug-looney, or Jill, the AIDS-expert. The Straight Dope Science Advisory Staff includes an auto junkyard dealer, a lawyer or two, a professional Tuba player, a national park ranger wannabe, a coupla military folk, a coupla computer whizzes (that means they pee on computers, I think), a chef/pathologist (don’t ask), an actuary and mathematician, a professional singer of church music, and a photographer with purple hair (at the moment.)

That answer your question? Eclectic, I’d say, as most of Cecil’s resources.

They all got into the SD staff for the pay and the retirement plan.

Hey, thanks for the reply I found it very interesting and informative. No reason for asking , I was just curious.

…it also helps if you know Dan Kaplan.

Dex wrote:

“A few of us have actual professions that are relevant to some of the questions we get – such as Doug, the bug-looney…”

Ah resemble that reemark.

Tarquin Wim Bim Lim Bim Ftang Ftang Olé Biscuit Barrel (Silly Party)