Not if you went to college in or around Maryland! (I went to the University of California, Santa Cruz.) Weird coincidence.
Hell, Roger Fox didn’t just date Andy, he married her! Cite.
I went to college in Iowa.
It may not be that odd a coincidence. Kris is a pretty common name for women (it wasn’t when I was growing up–suddenly, when I got to be a teenager, there were all these other “Kris’s” around). It’s bit less common for men who usually have the “Chris” spelling, but it’s not something I’d consider rare or anything.
I had a friend in grad school, Chris Lastname. He dated a Kris Lastname for a little bit. Of course, the only thing they really had in common was their first and last names.
[slight paralell]
I know this doesn’t count but I think it fits pretty well in this thread:
Once in highschool I dated a girl who had a ferternal twin brother. After meeting the guy we became friends. Shortly after I had to break up with his sister becuase the similarities were just too overwhelming. :eek:
Dammit! I was hoping to win the toaster…
I can’t imagine I’d have a problem with it. Sidenote: I find unisex names strangely attractive in women.
My dad’s name is Pat (Patrick) and my stepmom’s name is Patty (Patricia).
Two of my closest friends are married to each other: Chris and Kris. She has now started to go by her first and middle names to help make it clear which person is being spoken of.
And Terry Gross.
My own name is unisex, and since most males named Robin seem to be British, I’d have absolutely no problem with that.
(Robin the Boy Wonder is out of the question.)
Not a problem. As long as Loren, Alex, Kelly, etc., really was female.
Not a lot of people know that Julie, Fran, Perry and Sidney are unisex names, too.
I didn’t know there arre women named Perry.
There are men named Julie?
Are there middle names all “Ann”, too?
– Non-male Julie
Mostly older Italian or Jewish men named Jules or Julius. Julie (Jule) Styne, the songwriter, is probably the most famous example. Julius (Groucho) Marx’s brothers used to call him Julie. And there was Big Julie from Guys and Dolls. “Let’s shoot crap.”
As for Sidney, and her granddaughter Perry, they both live upstairs from me. (I’ve also seen female Sydneys, Peris and Perris.)
I will not fault someone for their name if given by another person period
Unisex names never bothered me. My twin had a very unisex name and sometimes people would make a fuss about it. We thought that was lame.
The hardest name I had to deal with, by the way, was Bob. I mean, I just felt stupid. “Oh Bob! Fuck me harder, Bob!” It just doesn’t come out naturally, if you know what I mean.