Strainger's Birthday

Hip, hip Hooray!! It’s Strainger’s birthday!

So…how many spankings need to be administered, my friend?

IIRC, you’ll be attending the CalDope, so all you CalDopers be sure to give him a proper spanking when you see him! :wink:

Happy Birthday, Strainger!
If that is your real name! :slight_smile:

I hope you are at the NoCalSocal dopefest, but don’t expect me to administer the spankings.


ooooh, spankings, oh good. Let me just get my accessories…

::metallic sounds, clank, clank, clank::

::blinking rapidly:: Wha?!

I won’t spank you, Strainger.

I’ll just sit here and watch.


Have a great one! :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Strainger.

How’s 'bout a handshake?

Are you still thinking of going to SLO-Dope? If so, I’ll buy you a beer.

Happy birthday, my friend. I’ll hoist one for ya tonight.

Thank you all.

I’m so old, it took me about 5 minutes to get Persephone’s joke (heh, good one, or is that an offer?). Actually I am 31 today (so that’d be 30 spankings, plus…). I realize that many are surprised by my age, in that I probably come off as a 12-year-old in my posts.

I plan to be at SLO-Dope. Sounds like it’ll be a great belated birthday party! Lotta people I’m looking forward to meeting there (even if there are only nine who show).

I’m going out to listen to some live blues tonight; to Hell with the fact that it’s a work night. I’m working on getting some friends to join me. Looks like I’ll have a couple of Dopers there; they may be the only ones who show! This’ll beat the hell out of my 30th birthday, where I didn’t do a damn thing.

I am currently working on the purchase of a belated birthday present for myself. Except mine will have the TRD package so it will kick the ass of the one in the picture.

Thanks again!

Woo! Looks like at least one for sure :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday!
:: starts tallying the number of spankings to be administered by proxy :: My hand’s going to be sore by the end of the evening! :smiley:

[shout at top of lungs]


[/shout at top of lungs]

<whew! Do ya think my coworkers heard that?!?>

All the best Strain.

Many happy returns.

Woo! Happy birthday, sweetie! Here’s a big hug {{{Strainger}}} and a birthday smooch for ya, I’ll let the others deal with the spankings…heh heh heh.

Here’s to ya, Strainger!

Happy Birthday Strainger!!! Too bad we don’t have any tequila, some music, a cheesy Vegas hotel room and 50 Dopers (instead of 13) to party down!!!

Might I remind everyone of Strainger’s party-animal-like ability? Silly Strainger

< oh BTW, Geocities is flaking out on me so hopefully you can see it. >

The couple pictures I took of him last night are tame compared to that one! :smiley:

Evidence, woman! We want to see the evidence!

:shouts out:
Hey everyone! Incriminating pictures!

Happy B-DAY!!! :smiley:

Okay, I just looked at that picture link. I must say I am traumatized.

I think I need counseling.

I don’t remember seeing that smashing outfit when you visted, Strain ol’ man!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Funny, I wouldn’t have pegged you for having a hairy chest. Maybe you should sit in the front seat next time. :wink:

Happy B’Day, sweetie!

Once again, thank you all. I’m honored to see some of my favorite Dopers who I’ve met in real life or talked with in email, as well as some Dopers I’ve admired from afar, weighing in here. I’m also enjoying the smoochies from a couple of my favorite Doper ladies (heh heh).

I had a great time last night, thanks in large part to Mauvaise and Padeye.

Mauvaise had to get home early, since it was a school night, so we met up at 7:30 at the Rhythm Room. It didn’t open until 8, so we went and sat at Pancho’s Mexican buffet next door in the meantime. We told the waitress we were waiting for a friend to arrive before we got food.

At 8, we headed back over to the Rhythm Room. Soon after, we were joined by Padeye. We listened to some good Navy stories from him and discussed the possibility of the three of us making a road trip to Mid Cal a week from Friday (although it looks like Padeye will be bailing. Grumble grumble.).

At about 9:20, it came time for Mauvaise to leave. As if on cue, the band, Kenny Love and the Rockerfellas started playing. They were great–good rockabilly sound. I enjoyed listening to them, and was grateful that they didn’t suck.

Soon, it came time for Padeye to leave as well. I decided to hang around for a little bit longer. Good thing, too. At about 10:40 my friend Diane showed up (no, not that ^ Diane; this is a different one). It surprised me to see her there that late. She went through a lot of effort to get there too. (Sigh. It’s a damn shame she’s 15 years older than I am and getting married. Actually, the “15 years older” part doesn’t really bother me.)

As much I enjoy their company and appreciated having them with me on my birthday, I’m really glad Padeye and Mauvaise were gone before Diane got me on the dance floor. I don’t know if I could’ve lived through that embarrassment. Diane dances great–used to dance professionally in a group, in fact–whereas I look like an epileptic orang-utan on acid when I dance. I did learn the two-step though; now I just have to get those turns down. We ended up closing the place. I’m fine today, though, not even that tired (he says as he drinks his coffee).

I greatly appreciate Padeye and Mauvaise making it out in spite of the short notice. Thanks to both of you for helping me have a great birthday!

By the way, next Rhythm Room outing is on Wednesday, July 18 (yes, another school night), to see Bob Margolin, former guitarist for Muddy Waters. My friends who have seen him just gush about his talent. Phoenix Dopers, be there!