Strange Obsession!

Latley, I have this strange desire to revisit scenes of my youth-like the elementary school that I attended as a child, the backyard of my grandfather’s house, and the site of the place where I had my first job.
What is this all about? I really don;t suffer from nostsalgia, I just seem to want to revisit these places.
Have any of you ever felt the same way? Did you wind up revisiting the scenes of your youth? What’s this all about?:confused:

All the time.

Now I’m glad I’m not the only one - whew!

I visit my old grade-school and junior high school whenever I go back to visit my grandparents (both buildings are now in use for purposes other than schools)

I drive by old houses whenever I’m in those neigborhoods - even if those neighborhoods are 3000 miles away and I’m on vacation.

I also drive by old employers buildings, old boyfriends apartments and houses, and other places where I had good memories - boating clubs, athletic fields, that certain tree lined lane out in the country - oh, um, sorry …

I think It’s just a desire that we all get once in a while. Some of it is nostalgia, some of it is just plain curiosity - I was facscinated to find out that my old junior high school building is now the town hall and police station!

Now, stalking old flames is another thing … I’m gonna have to work on that :smiley:

Last time I drove past my childhood home really was the last time - the whole neighborhood had changed so much, it wasn’t mine any longer. Same with the first house I ever bought - no warm and fuzzy feelings there either.

Maybe it’s because I’m so old and so removed from those times and places, but there’s no nostalgia for the schools or the playgrounds or the houses. Or maybe i’m just an old grouch… nah - couldn’t be that.
