Let me preface this with a couple important disclaimers: I have both feet planted firmly in reality; I was not drinking (or anything else); and (finally) this isn’t a joke thread. I’m not making any bizarre claims here, just relating a strange and rather disturbing experience. I’m not going to relate much backstory or foreshadowing, I’ll just present the relavent facts as I perceived them, and a couple necessary details accompanying same.
It was late, after midnight. The missus and I had been arguing, and she was downstairs cooling off on the couch. I rolled over to go to sleep. It’s important to note that it takes me a long time to fall asleep at night - I have a restless mind and don’t just nod off. It’s not uncommon for it to take a couple hours for me to fall asleep. Anyways, after 10 minutes or so I hear the TV go on. You know the sound when a TV goes on in another room of a quiet house - you recognize voices but can’t really make out what they’re saying… but the sound wasn’t coming from downstairs - it was coming from the bathroom - and it wasn’t the TV; as this realization sunk in, the sound sort of started to sound more like running water, like someone peeing. Listen: I know someone peeing doesn’t sound like a TV in a distant room. The sound sort of changed as my awareness of it peaked. I actually got up and looked into the bathroom because I thought my wife had come back upstairs without me hearing her, or maybe my daughter had awoken and needed to go (she’s never done so before, but anything’s possible). Then the sound stopped, and for the next hour or so the toilet kept making leaking noises, but it sounded like run-of-the-mill tank sounds. So I’ve got a new leak. No biggie, I think. I’ll fix it this weekend.
An hour or so later…
My wife comes back upstairs. She’s cooled down, and wants to talk a bit. She’s upset because she’d had a fight with an old friend, and thinks the friendship might be over. Our little girl had been giving her a hard time all day, and my wife was tired, emotionally exhausted, and very upset all evening. She lamented some relationship conflicts she’s got, that a lot of close friends have moved far away, and most of all that there have been a few deaths in her immediate family she’s still not over, and her Dad’s got cancer and is probably dying. Basically, she feels like everyone she loves either doesn’t love her or dies. She feels unloved. She’s pretty sad (I’ll help her get through it). We make up, spoon up, and then we hear it
We all love you.
Clear as day. She thought I said it. I thought she said it. It was like a theatrical whisper - perfectly audible and distinguishable. But neither of us said it. At this point, we were both a bit shaken up - it had been a pretty emotional evening, it was late (1:30 am by now), we were both very tired, but nothing explains this. My daughter talks in her sleep, but her diction isn’t as clear as what my wife and I both heard, she was fast asleep, it just plain wasn’t her voice, and what we heard was sounded like it was right there in the bed with us. I mean, this didn’t sound like it came from the next room. It sounded like my wife said it. But she didn’t. And she thought I said it. But I didn’t.
I know these seem like incongruous events, and I guess they are, but the TV (morphing into) Voices (morphing into) water running (morphing into) someone peeing sound was pretty goddamned bizarre on it’s own merits, even though it looks pretty harmless with the sun shining on it. But the other thing. The second thing?
: shaking head :