Strikeouts and other weirdness in fiction, esp. on the cover of novels. Very obscure.

In my copy of the Terry Pratchett book “Eric ”, the name “Faust" is printed on the cover, only to be crossed out, and has the actual title under it. This is meant to pay tribute to the story it gets it’s name from. I have a few other examples of this happening floating in the back of my mind, but I can not think of them right now.

Thus, I was wondering what other tomfoolery people can think of. Other examples would include a superheroe getting kicked off the cover of his own comic by some other character, any other kind of tomfoolery with text on a cover. [del]and examples of the Count from Sesame Street actually being shown doing somebody in and then feeding on him.[/del] Anyone able to think of an example?

Terry Brooks did a similar thing for his novel, Magic Kingdom For [del]Sale[/del] - Sold!

Terry Brooks’ Magic Kingdom for Sale – Sold! On the cover the word “Sold!” appears on top of the words “for Sale”

There is the Al Stewart album 24 [del]P[/del]Carrots.

Well, there’s always the B.C. Collection “Life is a $1.95 Paperback, formerly Life is a $1.75 Paperback formerly Life is a $1.25 Paperback formerly Life is a 95-cent Paperback formerly Life is a 75-Cent Paperback.”

Ooo, there was a book that had it’s title in relief, but it’s shadow revealed a different title.

While not fiction, “Numerical Methods that Work” by Forman S. Acton has an interesting cover. My original edition hardcover has “usually” embossed before “Work”. You sortof have to hold it up to the light at an angle to really see it well. I note that the edition listed on Amazon has the “usually” just printed in a light grey.

(It’s still one of the all time great books on Numerical Methods. It pointed out “things not to do” 30+ years ago that still appear in Numerical Analysis books.)

I was pulling cereal boxes at the grocery store I work at the other day when I saw this box: Shrek 2, one of those crap short-lived cereals based on a movie :D. It definitely is what you want, though calling a cereal box a work of fiction is absurd; I also looked at all the other boxes real quick for similar artwork. Cereal boxes often do strange things w/ ‘titles’ and their pictures.

We see Shrek pushing Donkey off the cover, and the small title of the cereal is ‘Shrek’s (not Donkey’s).’

The cover of the paperback edition of Christopher Moore’s Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal does this. I can’t tell exactly what’s been crossed out, but I can see “New Testament,” “Bible” and “John.”