Stuff in movies that bugs me. How about you?

Along those lines, in “Big Love,” in one of the episodes, Lois is calling Bill and she claims to be calling him from the gas station where she works, and he points out that the ID on his phone says “Laundromat.” Funny, my cell phone doesn’t know when I call laundromats or Chinese restaraunts or museums. Bad cell phone!

Yes, unless I am missing something here. When a person calls, I get the name on my caller ID box, even on most (can’t say all) cell phones.

SSG Schwartz

Since I turned off my landline phone after I got my cell phone I’ve had little experience with both types of calls in any recent setting.

I thought the database for cell phone numbers was different from the database for landline numbers, even for a company like Verizon which supplies both.

If that’s not the case, ::emily latell::“Never mind.”::emily latell::

Since I turned off my landline phone after I got my cell phone I’ve had little experience with both types of calls in any recent setting.

I thought the database for cell phone numbers was different from the database for landline numbers, even for a company like Verizon which supplies both.

If that’s not the case, ::emily latella::“Never mind.”::emily latella::

Wow, I only get it if I’ve programmed it into the phone. And my cell phone is fairly new, too.

My cell number (Sprint) and my name show on my friend’s land line Caller ID boxes. At one friend’s home, tho, their own cells (Verizon) don’t show name on their home Caller ID, only number, while mine still shows both. No, the boxes are not programmed, it’s just a weird quirk of cell phoney goodness around here.

It’s th for the people, **T **for the valley. Dudes that want to be pretentious make a big deal of saying the people with a hard T, like the valley.

**: I had a (female) Chiroprator that dressed that way. :wink:

And a dental assistant. I think that was to save on novocaine. :smiley:

What’s even more annoying is that she says she doesn’t know what caller id is and in one of the next scenes… she’s calling someone on a cell phone! How do you use a cell phone and not know what caller id is?

Jackson, Mississippi.

You’ve got a 50/50 chance of getting her or the extremely old man. :slight_smile:


Two pet peeves here…

  1. Military dress and protocol. Hub is in the military and I get annoyed when I see a uniform being worn improperly or an officer saluting an enlisted.

  2. Teeth. Period movies (think Pirates) have characters with perfect, blindingly white teeth (think Kiera Knightly). Ugh.

Oh yeah? Well, I was watching the Transformers cartoon movie tonight (hey, I have a son!) and the Decepticons were attacking Autobot City when one of the Autobots in a communications tower radios for help. So Megatron tells Soundwave “Soundwave! Jam their signal!” Makes sense, right? Soundwave is like the communications and sonic energy guy so he can probably shoot out some radio-wave jamming frequency or something.

No. Soundwave spits out his four little cassette-tape guys who fly up to the tower and beat the shit out of the radio dish until it falls over. Real nice finesse job there, Soundwave. Good thing they have you around to handle the technical jobs :rolleyes:
I know, it’s just a cartoon. It still made me laugh in a “WTF?” kind of way…

[li]Cell phones go “beep beep boop bop beep boop boop” when you press the “send” button. I have never heard a cell phone do that in real life.[/li][/ul]

555 numbers bug me, and women who have sex with a bra on. It’s not that I need to see them, it’s not like the sex scene is pertinent to the plot, but sex with a bra on is like ice cream with the lid on, or Colossus without a cheesy Russian accent. Use the sheet, cut the scene, get a double, I don’t care, but be that unrealistic. It also bugs me how few of you here understand Caller ID.

It was a joke. Just because it was made for 8 year olds doesn’t mean it can’t be clever.

The Law & Order confession thing bugged me, but it wasn’t a particularly cerebral show to begin with. Sometimes they’d do it after the trial was over and done with, just talking to the asst. DA in his office. With the number of twists they started to add in, filling in a confession in the last 30 seconds was usually necessary.

“Don’t shoot! I’m with the science team!”
Heh, my complaint is just merely how incredibly stale the entire court-room drama thing has gone. “Exciting” tough-guy cross-examination, blunder, fit of pique, rage, etc. You’d think that when you spend 8+ hours of prepping a goddamn witness, they might’ve told you in private their embarassing secret that the opposition heard from the milkman, which disqualifies them as a witness . . . . le sigh

Other than that, anything regarding videogames in 90% of current movies. I actually had a big belly laugh when this one hopeful dude’s Xbox-360 came alive and tried to rip his head off in the new Transformers movie - mostly because yes, damnit, that’s actually a real and current console. I’m not kidding, I’ve really seen bloody Atari-s year 2000+ movies.

Hence the tongue-in-cheek nature of my complaint and the admission that I laughed at its cartoon absurdity :smiley:

Can you tell me the name of the movie where this happened to you so I can watch it and assess if you really should have included that here?

If there’s no actual movie, can you explain what you mean or attempt to give all of us a clearer understanding of how caller id works?

Besides which, he wouldn’t have said it like that; he’d have said “Luke, sister you have.”

Daaaamn, but this thread is drawing a cranky bunch of posters!

Or the flip side, when the misanthropic characters who only seem to hang out with one another all of the sudden have a huge crowd at their celebration.

In Jarheads an A10 flies over and strafes the ground with its Gattler but you hear the sound of an Machine Gun.

The hero has been framed for something and the whole world is hunting him down ,he in effect kidnaps an innocent woman so that he can hide out in her apartment ,use her car etc.,when in the end hes proved innocent the woman is quite happy that he has deprived her of her freedom,sleep,food ,comfort,toilet breaks nearly got her killed by the bad guys and scared the living shit out of her for the last several days .
Never a “Why the fuck did you have to involve me in your shitty life ?”